Thursday 18 January 2024

The Path Of Least Resistance

Three schoolchildren today pleaded guilty to killing a dog walker after a 'vicious' assault in a park. John Hackett, 36, died hours after he was said to have been 'choke slammed' to the ground and then repeatedly punched and kicked by a group of teens on Camp Hill Road, Nuneaton.

Feral 'children' killing an adult. It's something we've seen far too much of lately. And with this response from our so-called 'justice' system, it's something we will see more of: 

Mr Grieves-Smith told Judge Andrew Lockhart KC, the Recorder of Coventry, that anxious consideration had been given to the issues in the case before deciding not to proceed to a trial on the murder charge.
'The family of John Hackett have been spoken to and they have understood our decision. The pleas are acceptable,' Mr Grieves-Smith said. Judge Lockhart then told the defendants: 'What that means is this - you three, having pleaded guilty, will not be tried for murder.
'But in due course you will be sentenced for the offence of manslaughter, which is unlawful killing.'

A weaker sentence, one easier to prove so the CPS doesn't have to work so hard, and these feral scum can be treated as victims, instead of as perpetrators. 

Will we have to wait for a smash ITV drama to uncover the injustice of these cases? It seems all we can hope for these days. 

We can't even hope that these killers are off the streets, amazing as that sounds:

Renewing conditional bail for all three teenagers, the judge added: 'You have pleaded guilty to a really serious offence here today. But you will get credit for that plea of guilty, which will reduce the sentence that would otherwise have been passed upon you. Your sentence will be reduced by an appropriate margin that the judge will decide.'

Why not give them a handful of change from the poorbox (do we still have those?) to buy sweeties on the way home, judge? 

John's mother Christine Smith found him dead at the top of the stairs after he had collapsed at their home in the Warwickshire home. Following the attack, John staggered back and alerted police to the attack which the teenagers filmed and posted on social media.

We are doomed as a functioning society, aren't we? 


  1. Surely the very act of filming proves 'Intent'. The laziness of the police & prosecution 'service' is endless

  2. "Have been spoken to" sounds to me as if Dribble could regard them as being at fault, but maybe that's a senior Dribble speaking without thinking.

  3. If they get jail time, and it may be a big 'if', let's hope they each share a cell with the local Big Bubba who's missing the love of his life. Then they'll know what 'feral' and 'choke slammed' really means. Drink lots of olive oil, boys. I'm told it helps.

  4. Robert the Biker18 January 2024 at 17:34

    Supine, useless parasitic scum; and thats just the lawyers and judges! If you want lynch law, well this is how you get lynch law! When the law is seen as powerless or corrupt, you get the vigilance commitees, and then you have these feral twats swinging from nooses, Mississippi wind chime style.

  5. Clockwork Orange was a work of prescience.

  6. "Surely the very act of filming proves 'Intent'."

    You'd think it would be a slam dunk, wouldn't you?

    "...but maybe that's a senior Dribble speaking without thinking."

    There's a good chance, since it seems to be their default position.

    "Then they'll know what 'feral' and 'choke slammed' really means."

    Sadly, they will be considered 'vulnerable' by the prison service. And probably warrant segregation from ordinary decent criminals.

    "If you want lynch law, well this is how you get lynch law!"

    Our system of justice is supposed to protect us from needing that. It's not doing a very good job.

    "Clockwork Orange was a work of prescience."

    Haven't watched that in a while.
