Thursday 24 July 2008

‘Burn Up’: Damp Squib

Well, the BBC taxpayer is certainly shelling out for some quality entertainment lately…

To be honest, it was exactly as might have been expected, and a pretty decent piece of switch-your-brain-off entertainment (if compared to the execrable ‘Bonekickers’) for the green generation, though I can only assume that the BBC Costume Department is being starved of funds, as they seem to have failed to outfit Bradley Witford’s character with the top hat, black cloak and Snideley Whiplash moustache his role so obviously requires.

Pretty decent production values (again, compared to the ghastly sixth-form drama school rubbish they usually churn out) except for the suspiciously quick healing (with no scarring!) of Neve Campbell’s and Rupert Penry-Jones’ hands after their abortive attempt to prevent the script’s token ‘ethnic’ environmentalist from perfecting her baked Alaska recipe at that press conference.

I expect it’ll get so much sillier in the final episode. But the greenies won’t care anyway…


  1. Nah...after "Bonekickers" I just couldn't bring myself to watch it, even for the potential comedy value.

    I've actually started shouting at the TV screen now whenever I'm tuned in to the BBC, and that can't be good for my blood pressure.

  2. Well, 'Bonekickers' is doing Iraq next week. That should be good for a few howlers... ;)
