Wednesday 23 July 2008

The 'War on Terror' - Some People See It Everywhere...

...even in a bloody summer film about comic book superheroes:
...we have Batman as a sort of one-man US "war on terror". In the service of Gotham, Batman extraordinarily renders a chief suspect from Hong Kong – by terror flight. The Joker's crimes are all choreographed for maximum impact viewing on 24-hour television releases. Another of his tactics is to release Ken Bigley-style hostage videos in which his victims beg for release and urge Batman to withdraw. Batman's anti-terror tactics are like a publicity puff in defence of American techniques at Guantánamo...
Emily, sweetie, were you perhaps in the wrong cinema screen? Shouldn't you have seen 'Mamma Mia' instead, or maybe 'Kung Fu Panda'? A bit more your cup of tea, perhaps...


  1. Actually, some folks on the right see the same thing. Take Dirty Harry for one:

    So yep - there's the fun of seeing a good film, plus the joy of seeing the folks who think garbage like The Cider House Rules, The Constant Gardener and Michael Clayton are great movies claiming to be enraged! by a movie with a political subtext.

  2. Ooh, nice site! One for the bookmark folder...

    "..the folks who think garbage like The Cider House Rules, The Constant Gardener and Michael Clayton are great movies .."

    Ah, the natural audience for the BBC's 'Oh my god! Evil oilmen are raping the world! 'drama' from last night...
