Saturday 30 August 2008

Wanted: Nosy Parkers

Exciting new opportunities for those people who just can't mind their own bloody business!

Do you:
Like to join in whatever is the latest fad sweeping the country?
Love watching what the neighbours are up to?
Get a little frisson of pleasure when you see someone else in trouble?
Have absolutely no social life of your own?
Then enquire within. Don't delay, places may be limited! The position is sadly unpaid, but that's no problem for a person like you, is it?


  1. The people across the road are somewhat sloppy about their green wheely bin - sometimes they don't put it out at all. I guess it all went in the grey one. Now, if someone reports them, who would it be? And, how do you overcome the aura of suspicion that inevitably follows?

    At the risk of being Godwinesque - this is how the Gestapo managed to seep into the fabric of German society; they encouraged neighbours to spy on each other, to report anything unusual or odd to the authorities. What happened, obviously to anyone with a grain of common sense, is that people reported those with whom they had a grudge, or those who were a bit reclusive. In other words, it became a tool for petty score settling. This will be no different.

  2. "this is how the Gestapo managed to seep into the fabric of German society"

    It is, isn't? Using people's worst instincts against one another, and breeding dislike and distrust. All in the name of 'community'...

  3. Oh come on, Julia, these are crimes...

  4. Good, I'm pleased that the parallels with the Gestapo's methods have come out here. That is exactly how it happens and with the same kinds of results.

    As useful reminders (as we haven't had them in real life to observe first-hand for decades) much the same happened in the "V" mini-series on TV, and of course in (mainly) the third series of Babylon 5 with the Nightwatch.

    It is imperative that the population wakes up to this and all the other things that are being slotted into place in this country, of which this is just one of the latest.

    Many are already in operation and others are planned for the future.

    We must get rid of Labour, and not just for a few years. They muct go permanently, and it needs to be made very plain to the incoming government (presumably Conservative) that a big reason for the change in voting was in opposition to such intrusions.

    In other words: don't fall into the trap of doing the same, but rather get rid of all (or most) of it.

  5. Yes, it used to be that crimes against property were treated much more seriously than crimes against the person.

    Now we have a new high scorer - crimes agains Gaia...

  6. "...much the same happened in the "V" mini-series on TV, and of course in (mainly) the third series of Babylon 5 with the Nightwatch."

    Ah, yes, the Nightwatch. I'd forgotten them. Must rewatch that someday...

    " needs to be made very plain to the incoming government (presumably Conservative) that a big reason for the change in voting was in opposition to such intrusions."

    Yes. I had high hopes for David Davies. Whatever happened to him..?

  7. as if disposing of our waste is a real national issue in any event.

    The whole thing is concocted by the left for this exact reason; faux morality to lead to state interference.

    If we have such a terrible waste problem why are Labour always against incinerators....
