Wednesday 1 October 2008

Not Really Got The Hang Of This 'Reporting' Lark...

...has the online editor of the 'Argus'...


  1. This may or may not be fair, but I have the impression that you spend hours every day browsing a (no doubt carefully catalogued) selection of local newspaper websites from all over England specifically to locate stories to be outraged about (which, with the morons running the country that we have, and the general decay of societal not hard).

    I'm sure Dostoyevsky did something vaguely similar...

    I did read something v. similar on the website of the Uzbekistan Government today - headlined "President Islam Karimov issues a decree appointing (long unpronoucable name) as Foreign Minister": then ,"Text of decree: I President Islam Karimov, appoint (long unpronoucable name) as Foreign Minister"

    Turns out the president's daughter (who is a pop star as well as an ambassador) also has her own line in fashion clothing and accessories, with a name that doesn't really sound good to English ears - Guli

    But I digress.

    Bloody fools everywhere, even when you're not looking for them

  2. "...specifically to locate stories to be outraged about.."

    Heh. Outrage is currently in the ascendency here, 'tis true, but I do pick the occasional bit of good news. Trouble is, there's not a lot of it about...

    "...a name that doesn't really sound good to English ears - Guli."


  3. Nice blog, btw (the c2c one).
