Wednesday 8 October 2008

Quote Of The Month

From Mr Eugenides, on the subject of the school training trip to Barcelona:
No, what caught my eye about this tale was the utterly pathetic justification advanced by the head teacher, Adrian Guy:

"Barcelona was chosen because the artists Miro and Picasso have been studied in school, and the city exemplifies how to celebrate and embrace culture."

Ahahaha! We've heard some prize-winning bullshit in the nearly three years this blog has been running, but that must take the cake. Isn't that the most spectacularly weak-assed nonsense you ever heard? Because Miro and Picasso "have been studied in school"? They study the Industrial Revolution in Oldham schools as well, but we don't see you holding your staff training in a disused warehouse in Rochdale, do we, you ponce?


  1. I agree that the choice of Oldham shows exemplary taste.

    Mr E is not as prolific as some bloggers in the same line of country but he chooses his targets carefully and skewers them with precision and economy.

  2. It's a good quote. The justification used for the Barcelona junket is so flimsy that it's as if they don't even respect the public enough to invent a plausible lie.

  3. "he chooses his targets carefully and skewers them with precision and economy."

    Yup, it's why it's one of my favourite sites (which I must add to, as I've beeb visiting a few more lately...)

    "it's as if they don't even respect the public enough to invent a plausible lie."

    It's almost as if they've never had to justify themselves before and are therefore out of practice.

    Which tells you a great deal about the cozy world of education..

  4. My kids have studied the solar sytem in school - does that mean we can send their Trotshy teachers to Pluto?
