Saturday 28 March 2009

"Power to the people!"

A comment regarding the vandalism of Sir Fred Goodwin's house:
Sometimes the sound of breaking glass resonates with meaning, however strong one's abhorrence of violence. Such a moment came with the bricks lobbed through the windows of Sir Fred Goodwin's empty Edinburgh property.

People are angry. Every public and political voice calling on him to give back his ill-gotten gains was met with arrogant obduracy. When the law says nothing can be done, a hurled brick has an extra gust of public opinion behind it.
The rabble rousing anarchist smugly endorsing criminal damage?

Step forward Polly Toynbee, hugely-salaried 'Guardian' columnist and Italian villa owner.
So this week there will be anger on the streets with antics and theatrics to challenge the moribund political system. What's the point? What can mere protest do? Rouse the listless, alarm the powerful, alert MPs to the possibility that radicalism might be popular. Even if it feels infantile and powerless as spitting in the global wind, doing nothing is no answer either. So be there today.
Where will you be, oh champion of the oppressed? Dining at the Ivy, probably...


  1. I shall be manning my miniscule blog howtizer! Together that becomes a powerful weapon. Ask Dan Hannan! Makes The BBC and MSM look like pop guns with a cork in the end!

  2. Dr Melvin T Gray28 March 2009 at 09:19

    Polly power has more relevance than her luncheon venue and her metaphorical torch will burn in the vanguard. An ingenious eloquence that stirs like Rachmaninoff, the former understands the mood as the latter knew the piano.

  3. @ Dr Melvin T Gray........ 'Que'?

  4. Dr Melvin T Gray28 March 2009 at 09:35

    Sorry Anon,

    Let Toynbee av er dinner, gift ov the gab innit.

  5. We can all look forward to the day when Google put that hillbilly drag act's Tuscan villa on Street View, and with luck the court of public opinion will still be sore enough about unmerited six figure salaries from companies with friendly arrangements with the tax man. And perhaps the hypocritical bitch will be picking a few half bricks up off her own floors.

  6. Doesn't Polly own a few properties? I wonder what her response would be should her property be damaged due to indignation that she gets paid 120k to write two weekly columns?

    I can think of a few people who'd feel a little outraged the Tuscan Trout is happily coining it in for a twice weekly whine, whilst they're playing the part of Dante being guided through the circles of hell that represent unemployment.

  7. @ Dr Melvin T Gray........ your a patronising mentalist aintcha?

  8. I may be wrong, but I could have sworn I just heard the nice lady on Sky News say that Gordon/The Tax Payer is gonna cough up another 60(insert illion here)to save another bank. And I wonder why he was hoping for riots today.

  9. The brick chuckers , the rioters will all be on CCTV for arresting at a suitable moment. Posturing dies not pay.
