Thursday 23 April 2009

"'s my flag too, and I want it back..."

I think I first heard about this band via 'The Last Ditch' blog. Not a big folk fan, personally, but this band is really something special*. I bought the album as a result.

Happy St George's Day!

*even if the video does look as if they have Anthony Worrell Thompson on strings!


  1. Dr Melvin T Gray23 April 2009 at 08:43

    Nice band but a risqué topic Julia. Even a passing mention of the Bard's birthday can give rise to offence in modern England. This week in Yorkshire, Authorities feel more comfortable with an outdoor celebration of all things Asian.

  2. Not a mention on 'Today' this morning (if there was I missed it between 6.10 am and 8.30 am), a big item about Shakespeare though. Not a single flag or reference at NSY either! What was that about the communities they serve? Sorry, SOME of the communities they serve. Gotcha!

  3. I've go two flying, one out the back, and one out the front.


    If anyone objects, I will declare Jiheadbutt, and prove my case with conclusive violence.

  4. "This week in Yorkshire, Authorities feel more comfortable with an outdoor celebration of all things Asian."

    Good grief...!

    "...SOME of the communities they serve."


    "I've go two flying, one out the back, and one out the front."

    Cheered me up immensely to pass a council works van trundling along with a huge flag tied to its ariel this morning!

  5. woman on a raft23 April 2009 at 17:50

    I have a tasteful enamel badge on my coat. I tried painting a cross of St George on my ring fingernail, but it looked like I'd had a nasty accident, which spoilt the effect.

    Great song, thanks.

  6. I got it from Raedwald last year and those were the words that jumped out at me the first time I heard it. The rest of the lyrics are quite good as well.

  7. That was utterly awesome. I am definitely getting an album of theirs. Brought tears to my eyes.

  8. Ye gods that's good.

    Happy Saint George's Day one and all.

    Nearly a thousand years since the last conquest.

    So let's hear it for the rough fellows who've kept it that way... and for their armourers and the women folk who bred them and fed them and nursed them and buried them.
