Wednesday 22 April 2009

"Joey, you like movies about gladiators?"

Wow! And I thought this guy was pushing the envelope for improbable excuses...
The paramedic, who was credited with saving hundreds of lives in his career, told police he had downloaded the 450 graphic images and videos of children being abused as a means to get away from his day-to-day life.
Lest we are tempted to have a smidgen of sympathy, or believe that this might be another 'Operation Ore' foulup:
At least 170 of the images were rated at level four and five - showing the worst forms of child abuse.
Still, at least he's safely locked up now where he can atone for...

Oh. Wait.
Taylor was given a community sentence after Judge Gordon Risius decided to spare him jail.


  1. Dr Melvin T Gray22 April 2009 at 08:41

    Wait a second Julia, there's more - convictions for theft and possession of drugs, all rolled into one long stretch of penal servitude. Oh sorry, our modern version of Judge Jeffreys delivers a conditional discharge and temporary internet ban.

    (Now subject to appeal as a result of an unreasonably stern look from the Judge.)

  2. Great post. In commemoration, I'd like to offer you this flower from the Church of Religious Consciousness...

    (Don't get me and patently started on Airplane!...)

  3. Jail allows people like him to get away from day to day life...

    Hint hint.
