Saturday 9 May 2009

Isn't This Chap Due Some Kind Of Medal...?

US prosecutors argued in court papers that Ayala, 46 acted as executioner, and had the experience and maturity to curb any desire for instant revenge. “Given his background and experience, Ayala not only must have known better than to execute Salam, he should have been able to control himself,” wrote prosecutor Michael Rich.
Minutes before he was shot, Salam — posing as an unthreatening Afghan citizen — had been chatting with Loyd about the price of fuel. Suddenly, he threw a bucket of petrol on her and set her on fire.

Soldiers dragged Loyd, 36, to a sewage-filled drainage ditch to put out the flames. It took three men, including Ayala, to subdue and handcuff Salam. The Taleban later claimed responsibility for the attack.

When others told Ayala how badly Loyd was injured, he put a 9mm pistol to Salam’s head and pulled the trigger. Salam died instantly. Loyd’s death was far longer and more painful. With second and third-degree burns covering 60 per cent of her body, she clung to life for two months before finally dying on January 7 at Brooke Army Medical Centre in San Antonio.
Frankly, Salam got off lightly...


  1. Actually, I'm pretty sure that the penalty in wartime for someone out of uniform who attacks combatants is death anyway - possibly by shooting.

    All Islamist 'fighters' are terrorists as none of them wears a distinctive badge identifiable at a distance.

  2. part of a team aimed at helping US soldiers understand Afghan culture.

    Why should we want to , they have no wish to understand ours. There are certain places that we in the West should really just seal off and let them have at it. BTW anyone who wants Sharia law , I'm all for paying to ship them to a 3rd world country of their choice where they can enjoy it's benefits to the full, Oh and by the way it's a one way deal. I have 646 people I'd like to send today for a start

  3. "Actually, I'm pretty sure that the penalty in wartime for someone out of uniform who attacks combatants is death anyway - possibly by shooting."

    Yup. Much cheaper than setting up a little seaside camp on the Cuban coast too...

    "There are certain places that we in the West should really just seal off and let them have at it."

    Yes, I'd add Somalia to that list too.
