Saturday 19 September 2009

Are You Listening, David Cameron?

Because the message is coming in loud and clear:
There is most public appetite for spending cuts in the areas of universal child benefit, the BBC, regional quangos and international aid, a poll has revealed.
In other words, we don’t think that the Tories should be "hard-headed - but not hard-hearted", as you seem to think.

We expect them to be both…
The survey of 3,000 voters, the largest yet of its kind, suggests the electorate is prepared to make tough choices to plug Britain's £90billion deficit.
Britain’s debt. Get that? Not India’s debt, or Bangladesh’s debt, or any other country’s debt.

Our debt…

And there’s bad news for the public sector too:
Civil servants were identified in the poll as the most overpaid group of public sector workers, with strong support for pay cuts.

Public sector administrators and doctors were also seen as substantially overpaid, while nurses and soldiers were judged to be underpaid.
Get it, Cameron?

You’d better. People are starting to wonder what difference electing you is going to make...


  1. If the Tories take this tide at the flood, they could engender the extirpation* of Labour and the LibDems to the extent that they could roll back 30 years of Gramscianism in a year. They're such a bunch of limp-wristed fairies, alas, that were they to be handed Aladdin's lamp they'd muff it. They'd be like a curate in a brothel.

    * This means Lab + LD seats < 80. True Ragnarok means < 15 Lab, 0 LD. FPTP makes this possible, albeit very, very unlikely.

  2. Seems we're all agreed then! Just go ahead and cut.

  3. "They're such a bunch of limp-wristed fairies, alas, that were they to be handed Aladdin's lamp they'd muff it. They'd be like a curate in a brothel."

    Indeed. And what's the point of voting for the man in the blue rosette when there's very little material difference between him and the man in the red rosette?

    "Seems we're all agreed then! Just go ahead and cut."
