Tuesday 8 September 2009

A Bit Of Light Relief...

As the last post was a bit long, by way of a palate-cleanser, here's Mark Knopfler's latest catchy tune: Superb melding of lyrics with the pace of the tune, and damned hard to stop yourself whistling along...


  1. As someone said about him once " all the stuff he writes already sounds a hundred years old already!"

  2. FYI you've blocked off your Blogroll with the Youtube window :)

  3. I suggest a glass of red, a reclining chair, feet up and tapping. Bliss. A moment away from it all. Thanks babe ;O)

  4. "As someone said about him once " all the stuff he writes already sounds a hundred years old already!"..."

    Yup, I had to double-check it wasn't an old folk song. Very like 'Show Of Hands' stuff...

    "FYI you've blocked off your Blogroll with the Youtube window :)"

    Ahhh, I hate it when it does that! Cheers :)""
