Monday 14 September 2009

Can't We All Just Get Along? Oh, It Appears Not...

So two more of Labour's flagship policies meet head on like the Titanic and that bit of ice floating in the Atlantic:
The huge number of students in Britain's university towns has become a "major problem", according to environmental health professionals.
Yup, it's all-our war between the 'everyone must have an ology!' crowd and the 'ASBOs for the antisocial!' crowd, according to the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.
In a submission to the government outlining its concerns, the institute warns: "It is clear that multiple occupation is proliferating in a variety of areas and that this can change the character of an area." Its comments are likely to be seized on by campaign groups that claim "studentification" is blighting some urban areas, with an increase in antisocial behaviour, noise and litter.
And don't look now, but it's not helping the housing 'crisis' either:
With landlords aware that they can charge five students living in a terraced house much more than one family, Tyler said studentification was contributing to the housing shortage.

"In Leeds, we have 25,000 households on the council waiting list and in the Headingley area between 25,000 and 30,000 students living in family houses for eight months a year," Tyler said. "First homes for families have become second homes for students. If you didn't have students, you would solve the housing problems overnight."
Update: The Devil points out that one of the cheerleaders for this situation to be altered (in the most illiberal way possible, of course) is none other than John Denham.

Yes, that John Denham...


  1. The reaction by rats to overcrowding is they eat each other. Pass the salt, would you!

  2. As ever the government is proposing to solve a problem (studentification) caused by it's attempt to solve a previous problem ('access' to higher education).

    If they do push through this 'solution' then in five to ten years they will be trying to solve the problem of exorbinantly expensive student housing costs.

  3. OMG, There a swaths 1,2 and 3 bedroom flats built in Leeds over the past 5yrs sitting unoccupied. While the economy is in the state it is to suggest the things these people have looks like people cutting their nose of to spite their face. What do these people think a family home is anyway and where should students live? Another case of officials and communities unwilling and unable to think outside 'boxes'.
    On the other hand. Absolutely right burn all the dirty students, education is obviously a crime and build palaces for feckless families that cannot support themselves. Because that has worked in the past, hasn't it. Been talking a lot about burning stuff recently. When is bonfire night anyhow, lol.

  4. Mike, not so much not thinking outside the box as not being able to think outside the tickbox.

  5. for stuff for a home

  6. But this means their neighbours will qualify for lower council tax!!

  7. "The reaction by rats to overcrowding is they eat each other."

    We're fast approaching that point, I think...

    "As ever the government is proposing to solve a problem (studentification) caused by it's attempt to solve a previous problem ('access' to higher education)."

    Spot on. When are they going to learn?

    "While the economy is in the state it is to suggest the things these people have looks like people cutting their nose of to spite their face."

    Yes, but, it's not going to spite their face one little bit...

  8. "not so much not thinking outside the box as not being able to think outside the tickbox."

    Got it in one.

    "But this means their neighbours will qualify for lower council tax!!"

    Heh! Hold that thought...
