Thursday 17 September 2009

Carter Cries 'Havoc!'...

...and lets slip the dogs of war racism:
Former President Jimmy Carter has said that Joe Wilson's outburst during President Barack Obama's speech to Congress last week was an act "based on racism" and rooted in fears of a black president.
I can’t say I’m surprised to see the race card played during this administration, just surprised to see it played so soon.

But then, I don’t think anyone – even me – expected Obama to crater quite this spectacularly so soon into his presidency…
"I think it's based on racism," Mr Carter said at a town hall held at his presidential centre in Atlanta. "There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president."
Actually, Jimbo, it’s more of a feeling that this African-American should not be president.
The Georgia Democrat said the outburst was a part of a disturbing trend directed at the president that has included demonstrators equating Mr Obama to Nazi leaders.

"Those kind of things are not just casual outcomes of a sincere debate on whether we should have a national program on health care," he said.

"It's deeper than that."
Oh, indeed. We should have heeded Jimbo over the last few years, when he warned the increasingly frantic Democrat supporters where comparing President Bush to a Nazi leader and war criminal would lead if they…

What’s that? He didn’t say anything then?

How odd…

Longrider has a good post on this too, where a commenter points out Carter himself is not whiter-than-white on this issue. And Obsidian wonders whether Obama will have harsher words for Carter than he did for Kanye...


  1. "I can’t say I’m surprised to see the race card played during this administration, just surprised to see it played so soon."

    LOL - the Democrats have been using the race card ever since Obama won the nomination ahead of Clinton. They played it repeatedly in the election campaign and have used it incessantly since he won the election - although it is usually implicitly suggested rather than explicitly asserted.

    To be fair to them though, it's not a new thing. Every politician with the slightest tinge of ethnic colouring has been doing the same thing in this country for 30 years or more anytime they've been criticised. Although rarely ever expressed, they always leave the race question hanging in the air if anyone dares to criticise them.

    It's known as "The Ali G Defence".

  2. Oh, the Democrat supporters have, without a doubt.

    But this is the first high profile Dem leader to use it specifically to shut down critiscism of their Messaiah's policies. Which is subtly different.

    And, I hope, will backfire spectacularly...

  3. Isn't Obama as much white as he is black anyway?

  4. Jimmy Carter opposes extremism and over heated rhetoric?

    This is of course the same Jimmy Carter who invited Michael Moore to sit next to him at the Democratic Party convention in 2004 shortly after after "Farenheit 9/11" came out, a film which accused President Bush of invading Afghanistan in order to make his friends in the oil companies rich.

  5. It seems like no matter what happens, there will always be an issue of racism to some degree.
