Tuesday 29 September 2009

Come ‘n ‘Ave A Go…

…if you fink yer ‘ard enuff!
Roman Polanski's own lawyers may have provoked his arrest after 31 years as a fugitive from American justice by complaining that prosecutors were not serious about apprehending him, it has been claimed.
Friends have expressed shock that the Polish-French director was not arrested earlier, as he had been travelling widely in Europe in recent years and even owned a home in Switzerland.

But two sources familiar with the case told the Los Angeles Times that it was his lawyers who may be to blame for the sudden activity by prosecutors.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving chap, could it?
As part of their court filings in July requesting charges against him to be dropped, they said that the Los Angeles district attorney's office had never once sought to have him extradited.
So the LA DA said ‘We’ll see about that!’

Polanski might need new lawyers soon. Better ones…


  1. "Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving chap, could it?"

    Polanski's life has been as extraordinary as any film he might have directed and some of his films were brilliant.

    I know, I know - he is wanted in connection with some vile allegation. Although it may not change your view of the man Julia, it is not unreasonable to concede the eccentricities which define him are inseparable from his genius. If one madness shared by eccentrics through the ages made the price of Art too high, another madness gave the rest of the World a craving for it.

  2. There's been quite a debate over our way and one point made was that his charge was reduced by the prosecution from rape to s.r. Interesting concept of justice.

  3. "I know, I know - he is wanted in connection with some vile allegation."

    It's a bit more than an allegation, isn't it?

    It's not like he denies it...

    "Interesting concept of justice."

    Indeed, given he administered drugs too.

  4. most people couldn't, wouldn’t and know that they shouldn't do what he and she say happened. his artistic abilities and otherwise 'successful' life are irrelevant in respect of his established guilt. her wishes to not proceed with legal action are misguided.

    a fitting punishment should involve a humane medical procedure to remove his ability to ever again engage in any sexual activity and forced cognitive therapy.

    her compensation must focus on the existing consequences of his actions, if any, for her first and not just some wad of cash.

    I am tired now of the simple approaches that are available to tackle these crimes of violence that are being ignored and replaced by inappropriate emotions and actions that further divide men, women and children.
