Thursday 3 September 2009

Crying Wolf BNP...

Just last month, 'Harry's Place' ran an article on Noor Ramjanally, a Muslim who claimed that he had been abducted, taken to Epping Forest and threatened by people who wanted to stop a Muslim prayer group in Loughton. They were forthright in their condemnation of this latest dastardly attempt by the BNP (because, of course, it was immediately assumed that it was they) to place fear in the heart of the Muslim populace.

A few people (including yours truly) pointed out that his story seemed to hold as much water as a colander. For that, we were excoriated as 'racists' and 'BNP sympathisers', because, obviously, pointing out that a story doesn't pass the smell test is just the clearest indicator of fascist sympathies, isn't it? I mean, it stands to reason. Doesn't it?

When Inayat Bunglawala fell on it like a jackal on 'CiF' and used it as a springboard to demand the setting up of a government panel to examine 'Islamaphobia', you'd think a few people might have had a bit of a change of heart. Because if Inayat is on one side, the smart money is laid down on the other...

But no.

Well, it now turns out we dissenting few may well have been right to be suspicious

So, lefties? How would you like this cooked:

Pie, or casserole?


  1. I suggested that story for the 'difficult' option in my Victimhood Poker World Series competition.

    Typical that CiF have waded in where my readers feared to tread.

    NB, the guy's name is actually Ram J Anally.

  2. Good call on it being a hoax.

    I missed the story at the time but I think I would have been suspicious, it looks too much like other hate crime hoaxes.

  3. And yet Google his name and you get all the usual suspects jumping up and down about the allegation, yet I'm still ploughing through pages and pages and even the Guardian article itself isn't appearing...

  4. I really did think this was a load of bollocks when I read it. the reaction from the lefties is as sad as it is predictable. They deperately want there to be this group of right wing nutters out there, bombing, kidnapping, lynching and the reality is so different. The BNP may well have a knuckle dragging, shaven headed tattooed fuckwit membership at the hard core, but most people are just your fed up, put upon, hard working and sick to death of Gordon brown and Dave Boy and unlimited uncontrolled immigration. I hope this nasty little shit gets time inside but instead he'll probably get a warning and join an 'advisory group' and become a commooonity leeder!

  5. The problem was that the left so wanted it to be true that they were practically orgasming in delight. Bit like that Mayor of Baltimore hoax not so long ago.

    Even my dog is less gullible than the current crop of lefties.

  6. It's not that the left wanted it to be true, it's leftist projection.

    Basically they'd be violent if the tables were turned.

  7. "Typical that CiF have waded in where my readers feared to tread."

    Yes, at least 'Harry's Place' have had the decency to go back to it and admit they were taken for fools.

    Pity they did so with a 'but you are all still racists for not believing him!' tone, but I suppose, there really IS no 'decent Left' any more...

    "I missed the story at the time but I think I would have been suspicious, it looks too much like other hate crime hoaxes."

    Yup, it had all the hallmarks. If it'd been a BNP member claiming abduction by Muslims, I'd have been equally suspicious.

    "And yet Google his name and you get all the usual suspects jumping up and down about the allegation, yet I'm still ploughing through pages and pages and even the Guardian article itself isn't appearing..."

    I thought something might be up when the local paper (Essex Guardian) suddenly took the story - with its 50+ comments - off their site yesterday morning...

    "...instead he'll probably get a warning and join an 'advisory group' and become a commooonity leeder!"

    'Community leader' is already how he's being described in reports! :)

  8. "Even my dog is less gullible than the current crop of lefties."

    Indeed. And it's not as if there haven't been plenty of these, from all 'victim groups', as Ross points out in the new 'Harry's Place' thread...

    "Basically they'd be violent if the tables were turned."

    Indeed. Can't con people who don't, secretly, want to be conned because the con is something they NEED to be true..

  9. Great spot Julia. I too was suspicious, there have been many in the US and now they are making their way over here. Just Google 'fake hate crimes'

  10. "...I too was suspicious, there have been many in the US and now they are making their way over here. Just Google 'fake hate crimes'"

    Yup, Ross picked up a handful on his post on this.

  11. "They deperately want there to be this group of right wing nutters out there, bombing, kidnapping, lynching and the reality is so different."

    The BNP are far left; please don't support the idiot lefties by claiming that nationalist socialist nutters are right-wing.

    The left aren't scared of the far right, they're scared of the BNP taking their votes because BNP policies are much further to the left than the average champagne socialist.

  12. "The BNP are far left; please don't support the idiot lefties by claiming that nationalist socialist nutters are right-wing."

    Yes, nothing is guaranteed to enrage the left-wing commenters on any thread than to point out how left-wing the BNP policies are. It drives them to utter distraction.

  13. We've all seen these fake hate crimes reported before.

    I think a blog devoted to listing them would be a good idea. Gather them all together in one place.

