Sunday 13 September 2009

The Enemy Within...

Three-quarters of teachers in Britain's schools believe they should warn pupils about the dangers of patriotism - which some regard as a form of 'brainwashing', researchers have found.
But eco-hogwash and multiculturalism are just fine and dandy concepts to force down their throats..?
A nationwide study found the majority of teachers felt they should not be promoting the subject at all in the classroom, with some preferring to instruct their pupils in the benefits of 'universal brotherhood'.

And even those who felt positively about patriotism felt the need to qualify and tone down their support, stressing that they disliked 'jingoistic flag-waving'.
And while people could, quite rightly, say that they shouldn't be spending any time doing this anyway, at least until the little darlings can read, write and add up properly, it's odd how there's time in the curriculum for arguing against it, isn't it?

And for even stranger things:
Pupils at a state comprehensive school are to be given therapy lessons by staff from a celebrity rehab clinic on drug addiction, anger management and eating disorders.

Teachers at Notley High, Braintree, Essex, have teamed up with experts from the private Priory hospitals, which are better known for helping celebrities such as Amy Winehouse overcome their excesses.

They have developed a programme of cognitive behaviour therapy to tackle issues including anger, low self esteem, eating disorders and drug addiction.
Just fantastic...

And this is why changing the government of the day does not one whit of good. Our institutions are stuffed to the brim with people like this.

Until we tackle that, we aren't going to change a thing...


  1. Oh to belong, that envious ideal that is the definition of need. We are all children of earth and one day we will all belong but first we have to learn to love ourselves and each other. Did I sound like JerryS then? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  2. Come on Julia - you know exam results prove students clever enough to absorb the frivolities. The generation for whom schooldays were crammed with Maths, Science, Languages, Geography and History - with more of the same when you got home - had few bright enough to secure more than two A levels.

  3. Yep: if it's not chainsaw time when the Tories get in for the ministries, quangos, qualgos, fake charities and 'Third sector' wholesale, then they might as well give up.

    Painting a turd blue leaves you with a blue turd.

    I wonder if Mister Cameron knows?

  4. 'Praising patriotism excludes non-British pupils,' one teacher told researchers.
    'Patriotism about being British divides groups along racial lines, when we aim to bring pupils to an understanding of what makes us the same.'
    I would ask what the 'non-British pupils' are doing here. If the answer is that they have been kidnapped and held her against their will, teacher has a point. If they are here because they came here by choice, what do they expect.
    It should give the BNP something to talk about on Question Time...

  5. "...if it's not chainsaw time when the Tories get in for the ministries, quangos, qualgos, fake charities and 'Third sector' wholesale, then they might as well give up."

    Indeed. But we all know it's not going to be, sadly...

    "It should give the BNP something to talk about on Question Time..."

    Oooh, I think it'll need to be an extended episode!

  6. Well this teacher announces the anniversaries of VC winners and the memorials of Royal Navy ships lost over the years. I proudly wear the White Ensign on my lapel and have to explain to the children what it is! Could be why I don't get to teach very often I suppose...
    Apologies for the anonymity, too bone idle to register...

  7. "Could be why I don't get to teach very often I suppose..."

    Hang in there. I'm sure things will have to change for the better soon...

  8. Hmm is it possible for things to get worse bar having Labour for another 5 years of course.

    Really though, this is not a phenomenon particular to the UK. Teachers in Sweden are just the same and even more so in the IB program which runs worldwide. One is to be very ruthless in terms of patriotism according to their doctrine. Which really is complete and utter bollocks.

    But perhaps we should not slate all teachers. It is not as if the Labour regime have been doing their best to assert Britain in any area. Sure, Whitehall buildings now wave the Union Jack - to what avail? We all know that the EU would want everyone to wave the EU flag everywhere and that might soon be law as well.

    What I mean is if they have nothing to be proud of there is little to hype up in the class room. America is very patriotic and for all their faults they at least have a pair - a massive one. We have nothing, nothing at all and because of this we cannot really expect the teachers to say anything dandy about this little omission in the classroom.
