Thursday 10 September 2009

Make Up Your Mind, Judge Thornton…

Judge Peter Thornton said Lewington was "a dangerous man, somebody who exhibits emotional coldness and detachment. You would not have been troubled by the prospect of endangering somebody's life."
Oh, wow! I can’t wait for the TV adaptation of this manhunt. The cool, calculating villain, the cunning and bravery of the security services tracking him down, the sophisticated gadgets...

It’ll be better than ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’ and last season’s ‘24’ all rolled into one!

Oh. Wait. No, actually, it’ll be a lot more like ‘Shameless’:
The 44-year-old unemployed electrician, of Tilehurst, Reading, was found out after being arrested at Lowestoft railway station, in Suffolk, for drunkenly abusing a female conductor.
Thank god for the police MI5 The Railway Regulation Act….

It seems Judge Thornton is a bit of a mindreader too:
Thornton said that while Lewington had selected no specific target to attack, he "clearly had in mind" Asian and black people.
Nice one, your honour! Can you predict Lotto numbers too?
"This action was designed to intimidate non-white people and it was for the purpose of pursuing the ideological cause of white supremacy and neofascism, albeit in a rather unsophisticated way."
OK, I’m confused here – was he a cool, calm ‘Jackal’-esque hitman, or a bumbling drunken oaf with unpleasant views and interests?

That last ‘unsophisticated’ there seems to give the game away as to your real assessment of the threat this man posed, doesn’t it?


  1. I blogged this back in July when Lewington was arrested,

  2. I cannot maintain a multi million pound entourage if a witch doesn't burn now and then, Henry.

    Witchfinder General

  3. If you were a Judge, wouldn't you be tempted to dignify the depressingly vulgar and mundane case before you with some elevated language and the implication that you have dealt with a menace to society? Just so you didn't feel the past week had been a complete waste of your time?

    PS Thanks for the link

  4. You're right.

    Even though I don't approve of racist drunks abusing coloured women (and it should be punished) at least I can vaguely understand why they do it, so the judge appears to be the "cold, detached" and all-round mentally ill one here.

  5. "I blogged this back in July when Lewington was arrested,"

    Oh, so he was also 'urinating on the station platform when arrested', was he...?

    Ah, well, the hectic life of an international man of danger doesn't leave time to find a handy loo, does it? Poor Jack Bauer no doubt has the same trouble... ;)

    "I cannot maintain a multi million pound entourage if a witch doesn't burn now and then..."

    Heh! Spot on...

    "If you were a Judge, wouldn't you be tempted to dignify the depressingly vulgar and mundane case before you with some elevated language..."

    Oh, absolutely. I don't think I could have kept a straight face though, so kudos to Thornton.

    " the judge appears to be the "cold, detached" and all-round mentally ill one here."

    Maybe he believes in the vast Right Wing White Supremecist Conspiracy, and is checking under his car every night now as a result of this trial?

    I think he's only likely to find a few crisp packets and slugs though...
