Wednesday 23 September 2009

"Maternity can be easily reached through the doors..."

The NHS, folks - wonder of the modern world, according to that hopeless Twitter campaign a few weeks ago:
Although the couple were a few yards from the hospital entrance, there were no medical workers around.

People who were visiting patients heard the mother's screams and went to help.

Alexandra said: 'All these women were helping and a man there panicked.

'He said "Let's call an ambulance" even though we were by the hospital.
It won't surprise anyone to hear that this was Newham again:
The hospital is part of the Newham University Hospital NHS Trust has been criticised by regulators for its maternity services, described as among the 'least well-performing'.

A Trust spokeswoman said: 'The hospital is open 24 hours. Maternity can be easily reached through the doors.'
No apology, no claim that 'lessons will be learned', just indifference...


  1. I used to live in Newham many years ago. I moved away because it started to look like an area in Bangladesh and it was no place to bring up my kids.

    It's now 98% immigrant. The maternity unit must be running a conveyor belt service by now.

    It's was a bad hospital 25 years ago and it must be worse now!

  2. Who cares? No-one is responsible for anything anymore. That fact is one of the most corrosive of all: when no-one's job is on the line, when no-one can be criticised for fear of giving offence, when no-one can be reined-in to stop the worst transgressions, the complete breakdown of social order is looming.

  3. "It's was a bad hospital 25 years ago and it must be worse now!"

    Yup, certainly seems to be. I've avoided the area myself - it has an unenviable reputation.

    "No-one is responsible for anything anymore. That fact is one of the most corrosive of all.."

    Got it in one!

  4. "least well-performing"

    Or worst, as it used to be called.
