Wednesday 30 September 2009

Oh Noes! Women And Minorities Hardest Hit!

Hugh Muir is banging on about his nemesis again:
There are many options on how best to spend a shrinking pot of public money. But if one of the goals is preserving fairness, safeguarding cohesion and ensuring that everyone – regardless of background – gets the best chance to thrive, Doncaster provides the perfect example of what not to do.
Oh, oh!

It seems Peter Davies hasn’t been paying the Danegeld, and now the Danes are starting to…write angry ‘Guardian’ columns as a result:
Since May, Peter Davies has been the south Yorkshire town's elected mayor, representing the English Democrats. He has sought to make "soft" cuts – the kind that make ratepayers feel their money is not being wasted.
That ‘representing English Democrats’ is a little ingenuous; as Mayor, he represents all of Doncaster.

So, what’s he cut, then, Hugh, that’s got your knickers in a twist?

Vital waste collection services? Meals-on-Wheels? Park services?
Here are some of the issues he has targeted: a gay pride event; translation of leaflets into minority languages; funding for Black History Month; jobs of diversity officers; funding of groups that do not specifically serve the majority "indigenous" population.

Sounds like he’s targeting all those areas that don’t qualify as vital for council business, or apply to all people equally. And doing what he promised to do in his manifesto! What’s not to like?

Of course, Hugh is worried that this will catch on with other political leaders. And the people who make their living off this sort of thing are even more worried!
"The very area we should be strengthening -equality- is under the greatest threat," says Simon Woolley, coordinator of Operation Black Vote.
I’ll let that sink in – ‘Operation Black Vote’…

Does it sound like something that would be required in 1960s Alabama? Do we not have equal voting rights? What’s the point of it, then?

Well, it’s ‘mission statement’ says:
“Operation Black Vote is the first initiative to focus exclusively on the Black democratic deficit in the UK. We believe that without a strong political voice for African, Asian, Caribbean and other ethnic minorities, the ideal of equality of opportunity - regardless of race and colour - will remain an ideal. ”
So, it’s a special interest lobby group.

And so we certainly don’t need to fund it with public money.
"We get this wrong and those least likely to defend themselves will be readily thrown out of work, and find it most difficult to be re-employed.

Furthermore, our inability to close the inequality gap could result in community antagonism, and in some places rising crime."
I’m not sure who will be ‘thrown out of work’ by these plans, other than the race hustlers and grievance mongers of course…

I’m not seeing that as a bug, more as a feature.
The decision for policymakers, at local and national level, should not be solely what a service costs, but what it is worth.
And these things are worth a lot to you, Hugh, but not to the majority. Particularly the majority who are paying for them, yet see no benefit from them.
Not all grants to all minority groups are deserved or well spent; some have squandered the money or have been ineffective. But focus on the bulk of the money spent on community inclusion and cohesion. How much does an area such as, say, Tower Hamlets, east London, benefit from residents who do not have English as a first language being able to participate in the community?
I don’t know, Hugh. Tell us.

But he doesn’t.
How much does London benefit from the £100,000 the Greater London authority grants to the annual gay and lesbian Pride event, in terms of what it says about the capital – let alone the financial gains to bars, shops and restaurants?
Because people wouldn’t come to London to shop, eat and drink and see the sights, if not for Pride. It’d be a veritable ghost town, obviously…

Last chance, Hugh. Convince us:
…when community services are assessed, let us think of Jagtar Singh Dhindsa, who came to Britain without English as a first language. He benefited from funding– in his case, section 11 money that was channelled towards the education of young people from ethnic minorities and. Today, he is leader of the Labour group on Watford borough council and is chair of the National Association of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority Councillors.
That’s it?

The shining jewel in the crown of these projects is yet another token who wraps himself in his ethnic group in order to push forward Labour policies for his fellows?

If that doesn't represent best value for him and the wider community, what does?
I can confidently say – pretty much anything

The piece signs off with “Hugh Muir is a Guardian journalist”. Thanks for that.

However would we have known…?


  1. I'm thinking of Jagtar Singh Dhindsa right now. The UK taxpayer subsidised his education, and the best way he could think of to repay that debt was to attach himself permanently to the public teat.

    This is commendable in what way?

  2. They may have equal rights but they're not yet "dominating" and so there's still work to be done, they think.

  3. Can we have some English Democrats here in Scotland, please? :-)

  4. Jagtar Singh Dhindsa - take a bow!

    Today, he is leader of the Labour group on Watford borough council and is chair of the National Association of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority Councillors.

    Yes, this country is crying out for Labour politicians. I'd be interested to know what his day job is. I'll donate £5 to a charity if it's not for the Government or a union.

    Why he did not have the vim to get off his scrawny backside and educate himself (the Poles and other Eastern Europeans seem to manage).

    The Gravy Train will be arriving at its destination shortly. All change, please.

  5. If the Tories had the gumption to adopt Peter Davies' slash-and-burn cuts of the oxygen thieves and professional prodnoses, and loudly proclaim the fact, they'd win a 250 seat majority. If they had the nerve to actually carry them out, they'd so emasculate the Gramscians that Labour would be out of office until the Sun goes red giant.

  6. Another total kicking in the comments. It can't be long before the Guardian pulls the comments section - the elite cannot stomach the revolting proles for long!

  7. I was invited on a girls night out and the invitation said 'dress to kill'

    So I went as Rose West

  8. Of course these things must be publicly funded. They're not intended to serve ethnic minorities, the point is to alter the behaviour and outlook of the ethnic Brits so that they consent to being made a powerless minority in their own land - all for the sake of substantive equality.

  9. Im sure where ever my dad is he's looking down on us

  10. he's just v. condescending

  11. loved your comment about throwing letters away Julia. maybe someone should tell this lady:

    your idea.

    Is it me or are there more victims than the predators can cope with? It seems fashionable to be a victim and the pay isn't bad. While someone tells the lady identified to throw rubbish in a bin they might also mention to be a real victim it helps if you live to tell the tale.

  12. "This is commendable in what way?"

    None that I can think of!

    "...and so there's still work to be done, they think."

    They are massively over-represented in public service roles though.

    "Can we have some English Democrats here in Scotland, please?"

    Hands off! He's ours, until we figure out how to clone him! ;)

  13. "Yes, this country is crying out for Labour politicians." take a long walk off a very short pier...

    "If the Tories had the gumption to adopt Peter Davies' slash-and-burn cuts of the oxygen thieves and professional prodnoses, and loudly proclaim the fact, they'd win a 250 seat majority."

    Oh, if only..

    "Another total kicking in the comments. It can't be long before the Guardian pulls the comments section - the elite cannot stomach the revolting proles for long!"

    Yes, but they probably feel that it proves them right in trying to rule us, for our own good.

    "...the point is to alter the behaviour and outlook of the ethnic Brits.."

    'Common Purpose'. 'nuff said.

  14. "Is it me or are there more victims than the predators can cope with? It seems fashionable to be a victim and the pay isn't bad. "

    The rise of the 'no win, no fee' lawyer certainly hasn't helped that...

  15. My false accuser has now made more threats to kill Julia. Not me this time, herself. This has been a recuring theme since she was young and before I met her. If I had to choose who she killed it would have to be her but then my lawers would have no one to sue. tricky

  16. @Anon, 20.53

    Your fiver is safe. He works for the Prison Service at HMP The Mount. In what capacity, his "Declaration of Interests" does not say.
