Tuesday 29 September 2009

Post Of The Month

A tie again this month.

This post from DumbJon skewers the BBC attitude to the news - and their role as progressive gatekeeper - with deadly precision.

While this post from North Northwester describes a Britain that Dante would have found oddly familiar somehow...


  1. It has taken me 10 days since returning from a 2 week break in the middle of nowhere in France to calm down to merely being enraged. From the minute I landed back on UK soil the constanr bombardement of madness from those in charge has been just awful. With conference season with us, news coverage is complete arse, the rolling reporting of NOTHING AT ALL yet the sinking ship continues to sink. The political class and it's supporters such as ACPO etc are the biggest threat to our nation's freedom since Hitler. I think that is an amzing thing to say but the sheer weight of evidence does nothing and will do nothing to change this. What are we going to do?

  2. Re the sad business in Leicestershire, Insp Gadget has a post that puts this in perspective and he's damned right as usual!

  3. "It has taken me 10 days since returning from a 2 week break in the middle of nowhere in France to calm down to merely being enraged."

    Coming thick and fast lately, aren't they?

    "Re the sad business in Leicestershire, Insp Gadget has a post that puts this in perspective and he's damned right as usual!"

    Indeed. Tried to comment there, but he's having troll probs and his anti-troll measures seem to be biting too hard..
