Sunday 27 September 2009

"Sanctuary! Sanctuary!"

A council has joined a scheme allowing youngsters to take refuge in the town hall when they feel in danger.
From what...?

Asteroids? Marauding vikings? The Blob?

Oh, wait. This is 'other kids', isn't it?
Lewisham Council staff will be trained by police and London Citizens to protect scared youths. This could involve locking up the building or moving the vulnerable person to a safer area.
It's come to this? Municipal buildings are turning themselves into medieval fortresses now?

Will all future council buildings need a moat and drawbridge before they get planning permission?
After discussions with youngsters in the borough they decided the town hall was a vital refuge point because so many buses converge on Catford town centre and some schoolchildren expressed feeling vulnerable at peak-travel times.
How about increasing the presence during those times of people we pay to stop this sort of disorder? 'Policemen', I think they are called.
...Mayor of Lewisham Sir Steve Bullock, said: “I’m immensely proud Lewisham is the first local authority to open it’s doors to young people, at a time when they may be in great need.

"By working together, to support and protect one another, we show others we are a community that cares. "
You have very strange priorities, Steve...

Now, me, if I needed to open the Town Hall to children running from gangs, I'd see that as a sign that law and order had completely broken down in my 'community'. Not be proud of the fact.


  1. Now THERE'S a coincidence, Julia.

    Singular "authority" plural "authorities"

    1. ( The power to enforce rules or give orders.
    2. Persons in command; specifically, government.
    3. A person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject.

    Which and whose use of authority has brought this situation about, I wonder?

    Cf :

    "treachery" (plural "treacheries")

    1. Deliberate, often calculated, disregard for trust or faith.
    2. The act of violating the confidence of another, usually for personal gain.
    3. Treason.

  2. " protect each other..."

    From each other, presumably?

    Because we are all criminals now. Except the innocent little kiddies with the knives.

  3. Care to see the trailer for "Assault on Precinct 13", anybody?

  4. But, but, but, it's for the cheeeeeldren!!!!!!

    How very dare you suggest our lords and masters not spend our money on whatever the political fancy of the day is. ;-)

  5. "Treason."

    Still on the statute books, I believe. Hopefully that'll come in handy one day.

    "Because we are all criminals now. Except the innocent little kiddies with the knives."

    The loveable little scamps...

    "Care to see the trailer for "Assault on Precinct 13", anybody?"


    At least they had the benefit of servicable weaponry. I expect the Town Hall staff training will need to include multiple views of 'THe A Team' or 'MacGyver'.

  6. "I expect the Town Hall staff training will need to include multiple views of 'THe A Team' or 'MacGyver'."

    I thought that store-room full of old card indexes and broken mimeographs'd come in handy one day...

  7. When you fail to put people in prison, then the area outside prisons will start to look more like prisons.

  8. At least they will then have a legitimate reason for claiming for moat cleaning.

  9. "When you fail to put people in prison, then the area outside prisons will start to look more like prisons."

    Perhaps we'd all be safer inside?

    "At least they will then have a legitimate reason for claiming for moat cleaning."


  10. This is classic behaviour from people who want dependent victims to "look after", rather than address the primary cause. It gives them a really warm glow.

    Without victims to "care for" their lives are reduced, so why not engineer some more victims?
