Saturday 26 September 2009

Six Of One...

...half a dozen of the other:
A bus passenger who repeatedly stabbed a 'volatile and violent' stranger after a row was jailed today.

Marcus Ball, who said he was carrying a knife to protect himself, plunged the blade into unarmed Derek Spaulding in front of shocked passengers after an argument.

Today a judge found that the 22-year-old had used 'grossly excessive force' when fending off Spaulding, who had threatened him and chased him down the stairs of the bus.
Public transport. Great, isn't it..?


  1. So WTF do you have to so to be charged with attempted murder?

    BTW: Gave your good self a wee mention over at my place...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Unfortunately, those things which make this scene familiar cannot be remarked upon without the attendant risk of arrest.

  4. "So WTF do you have to so to be charged with attempted murder?"

    Beats me. I'd have thought this qualified, frankly.

    "Unfortunately, those things which make this scene familiar cannot be remarked upon without the attendant risk of arrest."

    I think I know what you mean.

  5. Why do I think of Jasper Carrott here?

    WV: comedic - I kid you not.

  6. Oh, yes! Back when 'the nutter on the bus' was good material for standup, but essentially harmless...


    Good times.

  7. actually I can see no reason why the guy who did the stabbing was even arrested. He was attacked, had a weapon, and used it to defend himself. Totally acceptable use of weapons.

  8. It was the fact that he stabbed the guy in the back while he was on the floor and so, according to the judge, 'helpless'.

    The fact that he'd initiated the fight in the first place doesn't cut any ice under our 'justice' system.

    Don't think anyone's going to weep too hard for him, though. As one of the commenters at the 'Mail' said, "How many times had he attacked people and gotten away with it?"...

  9. Haven't seen that up our way though.

  10. That just looks like an every day occurrence of blacks killing blacks (or trying to). I just wish they go and do it somewhere else and not in public.

  11. Before I had read it, I said to myself "South London". Streatham, oh what a surprise.

    BTW I thought you got five years for posession of a knife? He stabbed him five times - do you get three months knocked off for each stab?

  12. Public Transport is a nightmare of yobs, gangster rap, drug taking, and verbal abuse. I hate my bus ride home everynight!!!!

  13. "That just looks like an every day occurrence of blacks killing blacks"

    Gee, Mark, whenever I suggested similar things happening in Soweto before my very eyes, I was branded an apologist for apartheid. Go figure!
