Tuesday 22 September 2009

Star Chambers - Not Just A Historical Oddity

It seems this story has now progressed further, and Carol Hill has indeed been dismissed for her 'crime' of letting the parents of a child assaulted at her school know what the head would have preferred to cover up:
Mrs Hill, 60, was suspended after the incident in June and yesterday it emerged that she has been fired by a disciplinary tribunal for breaching pupil confidentiality at Great Tey Primary School, near Colchester, Essex.

The decision has been condemned by the girl's family, who were prevented from giving evidence on Mrs Hill's behalf.
It seems this may spark a bit of a fightback:
Other parents at the school are considering withdrawing their children in protest.
Let's hope they do.

Certainly, no-one can have confidence in a head who responds to a sitaution in this fashion. And who gives this statement in response to media interest:
Headmistress Debbie Crabb has insisted that Chloe's parents were told of the incident according to school 'accident and first aid procedures'.

This was assault!


  1. And that is why the parents of the vile children that assaulted the victim will get away with raising foul little beasts. Accident, my arse. The head is doing what shite parents do day in day out, cover up their mistakes with lies or blame someone else.

  2. If this had happened at a school where parents pay then the head would be sacked.

    All the more reason to remove the state from school provision.

    Maybe I'll start NationalCrecheService...

  3. WOAR know any paedophiles you can blame for this one?
    I did a stint with the Samaritans as a Listener. Going into prisons as a volunteer when the system was alerted to someone who was a danger to themselves. I made a promise to myself, I did not care what thier crime was and never asked. The majority of people in prison have been failed by the system, society and all those who have claimed to care about them. Old fashioned criminals just don't care about victims the new breed of criminals are invented by stupid people, people like this headmistress.

  4. "WOAR know any paedophiles you can blame for this one?"

    Mike, nobody has the faintest idea of what you are on about.

    You have been cut an enormous margin as you had a very bad experience, but if you want to challenge a view, you have to cite what it is that you are objecting to otherwise it looks like you are imagining things.

  5. Mike just sounds like one of those pro-criminal types who thinks the social-cancer is somehow the victim.

  6. Sounds like the headmistress and corrupt tribunal friends should get the full attention of the mob that drove the Francesca's family to suicide.

    I have the perfect idea here, right in the spirit of the times: to ensure equality all-round, we should start busing those yob mobs into nice areas where they can enrich the classy locals with some real British chav culture (tm) giving local people a break at the same time and broadening the chav's horizons a bit and show them how the nice people really live -- after all, it's so much more satisfying to smash an expensive window than a cheap one, so let's open up a whole new world of opportunity for our disadvantaged underclass!

    (as it goes, the mom is also at fault -- she brought her kid up to just accept being bullied and stays silent over it, so what does she expect to happen? You have to teach kids to fight properly, physically and mentally, don't instill a victim mentality in them, because the resulting moral vaccuum is the very space in which actually bullies thrive. And if they can't fight(for whatever reason), they all least must learn that they have to tell to protect others and that they should never silently tolerate evil, because that is cowardice and worse than evil itself.)

  7. Not pro criminal, maybe pro humanist. Too many people want to cause pain where pain has already occurred, how is this a solution. I asked WOAR if this story was the fault of paedophiles because for her they are the focus of her blame for everything, so why not this suffering of a young child. The head mistress clearly puts it down to an accident which I believe doesn't wash with Julia.
    This was an assault of some children on one child caused by shite parents and there are many of them, covered up by an adult blinded by the system. The cook is like me, she dared to stand out from the crowd and now she too suffers.
    Btw WOAR you don’t need to cut me any slack. The incident that you refer to is in the past, although now in police custody for my own protection from my false accuser having been reported by her doctor for making threats to kill both me and herself, while they decide whether she needs to be in hospital or prison I wonder when justice will prevail.
    So anyone, who in the story raised by Julia should be hung, drawn and quartered or does anyone have a more humanist approach to solving the worlds pain?

  8. No one, no bright ideas......

    well, lets identify someone as a pedo and burn them just for fun. Because that will take the attention away from me and the victims in the story.

    Hen your right btw however my experience of military boarding school has not led me to believe that the more violence you can pour into a situation always guarantees your success. If I did have kids they would definitely know how to use reasonable force to defend themselves but never, again never gang up to assault a young girl like the delightful boys in this story.

  9. Why does Joker wear an American flag and a peace symbol on his uniform?

  10. And now for you Anti whatever-it-is. Believe me just because someone has committed a criminal offence does not equate to your right to cause them undue pain and suffering. I hope to god, if there is one you have paid your council tax because if you haven’t its off to prison for you my son.

  11. because for her they are the focus of her blame for everything,

    Again, a thing you have neglected to cite any evidence of.

    I've no idea what problems you are projecting on to me, but they are your problems, the products of your imagination and perhaps experiences you can't properly integrate.

    I urge you to seek professional help.

  12. "The head is doing what shite parents do day in day out, cover up their mistakes with lies or blame someone else."

    It certainly looks like it.

    "All the more reason to remove the state from school provision."

    Agreed! School vouchers would soon remove heads like this too, as they lost the school income.

    "WOAR know any paedophiles you can blame for this one?"

    ?? Got to agree with WoaR and AC1. What are you talking about?

    "I have the perfect idea here, right in the spirit of the times: to ensure equality all-round, we should start busing those yob mobs into nice areas where they can enrich the classy locals with some real British chav culture.."

    That sounds lke a capital idea!

  13. My problem is that people like you WOAR seem to think that it anyone but the parents responsibility to keep children safe. I hope you don't have children because if you do it is them that will need proffesional help especialy if they grow up to be pedophiles and are good enough to not act on thier fantasies because they know it would be wrong. The only proffesionals that I employ right now are the police. A woman who I have mentioned to you before, probably brought up by parents like you might agree more with than me taught her to bring a malicious prosecution by lying. Her lies are now so complex that she probably believes some of them as a defence for her imagined and tortured life.
    You can continue to try to vilify me WOAR but whatever evil you think of me you are wrong. I have been beaten within an inch of my life, run down by an angry ex-wife and had to learn most things the hard way. My conclusion, it is you that needs help, not me.

  14. Sorry Julia, WOAR knows what I'm on about. Its an ongoing discussion about her inability or unwillingness to show some christian forgivness and judging as you hope to be judged. I typed christian with a small c not bieng a christian myself but agreeing with many of thier concepts.
    So WOAR who's fault was this girl's torture now we've agreed its not my fault or the hooded pedophile?

  15. people like you WOAR seem to think that it anyone but the parents responsibility to keep children safe.

    Another assertion for which you have produced no citation or evidence.

    we've agreed its not my fault

    Nobody ever said it was your fault. You weren't there, don't have children and aren't either the dinner lady or the Head.
