Wednesday 2 September 2009

Super Timing, Sunny..!

Sunday 30th:
The organiser of the appeal to the EHRC, journalist Sunny Hundal, said that although the form was "voluntary", many events had applications for licences turned down after refusing to fill it in.

"There is a deep sense of unease among many within the music scene that it is being used to target events by black or Asian organisers," he said. "With live events being an integral part of the music scene, this only makes life harder for everyone and denies the people of London a diverse range of entertainment."
Monday 31st:
A man has died after being deliberately run down by a car outside the Ministry of Sound nightclub, sparking a gun battle in the street that left one man injured...One witness, who did not want to be named, said that four people left the club and were walking away when a maroon-coloured people carrier drove at them.

He said: “Three jumped out of the way and they only got one of them. The dead man's friends retaliated and started shooting at the people in the car. One of them got shot and was taken to hospital. There were about eight really loud gunshots.”
Fantastically diverse, Sunny, I'm sure you'd agree...?


  1. "With live events being an integral part of the music scene"

    Presumably he was just as up in arms and protesting alongside Billy Bragg, on the right side of an argument for a change, when the government were installing ludicrous hurdles to live performances in pubs and clubs. Two Arran sweater wearing bearded blokes with their fingers in their ears want a run through of 'Dirty old town', far too much hassle thanks to Sunny's gang.

  2. "Baltimore?"


    "Presumably he was just as up in arms and protesting alongside Billy Bragg, on the right side of an argument for a change, when the government were installing ludicrous hurdles to live performances in pubs and clubs."

    You know, I don't recall that he was...

  3. I imagine that if the Met asked for the ethnicity of those attending, it was so that they could tiptoe around the more 'diverse' ones so as not to cause offence.

  4. This one I'm having trouble following.

  5. What don't you follow, James?

  6. OK, I just re-read it and we have a right prat in Sunny. The first one about Asians I got. But how does the second one come into it?

    BR here seems to have got it but Oldrightie's comment even puzzled you. I'm feeling less intelligent every day, I think. :)

  7. It's just the juxtaposition of Sunny leading the charge againsts a 'discriminatory' practice of singling out ethnic music clubs....on the very day before an outbreak of violence at said music night at MoS.

    Let's face it, when was the last time a 'Wire-esque' gun battle ensued after a folk music concert, or the Last Night of the Proms?

  8. Perhaps the Met wants to know in advance if anyone's musical youth is going to be 'angry' at the recent banning of BNP-supporting marches, and who therefore might feel inclined to express their anger at the authorities banning someone they don't like's freedom of speech in suitably diverse and multicultural ways.
