Tuesday 22 September 2009

"...'a terrible week at work'..."

That was the excuse offered by the defence on behalf of the man responsible for this:
A yob who snapped a crying toddler's leg because she wouldn't be quiet has been jailed after the attack was taped on a friend's answer phone.

Lee Nathan Robson, 32, could be heard screaming, 'I will break your leg off if you don't stop crying' after accidentally calling a pal on his mobile.

The terrified three-year-old is heard begging, 'No, no, no, no, no', before Robson twisted her leg 180 degrees.
For that, he got...three and a half years.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have to feel sorry for defence briefs sometimes, it is their job at times to defend the indefensible. Everyone is entitled to offer a defence, that is the basis of our system.

    Although you can plainly tell this one was not trying too hard.

  3. I thought that one of the chief motives for building a huge machinery of state surveillance , with cameras, phone and internet use monitoring, the DNA database, ID and security checking and all that was to protect the children.
    But letting future child abusers know that with all that, you'll get three and a half years(if he serves the full term)will encourage others to think, it's a one in a million chance, so why not?

    I wonder what the judge said after the verdict? 'You're as bad as a burglar,' perhaps, or 'your crime was nearly as evil of two counts of violating the Data Protection Act?'

  4. "Although you can plainly tell this one was not trying too hard."

    Let's hope not, for her sake, or this waste of oxygen will probably get legal aid to sue her for breach of standards!

    "I wonder what the judge said after the verdict? 'You're as bad as a burglar,' perhaps, or 'your crime was nearly as evil of two counts of violating the Data Protection Act?'"

    I doubt a burglar would get three and a half years. Unless it was his fifty-first offence, of course...

  5. He'll actually serve 18 months, the rest "under supervision" (i.e. having to turn up at a probation office one hour a week).

    When the State bleats that "it's all for the children" they are liars.

    Still, let's hope there are still some good old-fashioned villains in his jail and that they do the same to him. What the Liberal establishment does not understand is that if the State chooses to have a monopoly on punishment, then it MUST punish and be clearly seen to punish, otherwise others will take on the job.

  6. Clearly a sick man. The punishment does not fit the crime, the girl will probably suffer the concequences of this for a lifetime. Still can't see how hurting him now he has been prevented from doing it again for a short time will be of help anyone.

  7. "Still can't see how hurting him now he has been prevented from doing it again for a short time will be of help anyone."

    When the state abrogates its responsibility, it's only natural that people look elsewhere for justice.
