Monday 21 September 2009

What Do We Want? 100% Internet Safety!

When do we want it? Whenever our kids pick up an iPod in a store:
A mum is furious after her ten-year-old girl was exposed to pornographic images after picking up an iPod in a shop at Lakeside.

Helen Goodman, 37, said her daughter, Eleanor, was left shocked after innocently looking at an iPod Touch on display at the Apple store.
The iPod Touch comes pre-loaded with free pr0n now?

Wow, Apple don’t seem to be making the most of their marketing then…
Mrs Goodman said: “She picked up one of the demo models and it was playing pornographic material.

“I called to complain, and was told matter of factly by staff this happens a lot as people come in and download it for a laugh.

“I don’t find it funny and all my friends think it’s disgusting, but Apple say there is nothing they can do to stop it.”
Other than remove the display models altogether, or have their shop staff spend all their time pouring through the memory of each free-use display unit to check no-one’s downloaded ‘Debbie Does Dallas’, no. And why should they? The whole point of a display item is to allow people to see how it works.

But that’s not good enough for Mrs Goodman:
Mrs Goodman, of Edmund Drive, Chafford Hundred, has warned other parents.

She said: “If they can’t guarantee 100 per cent internet safety for the kids visiting the store, I feel they should not be allowed to offer internet access to the public without supervision.”
Here’s a thought, Mrs Goodman, since you are now aware of the problem, and through the medium of the local newspaper, you've made everyone else aware. Why not, next time, pick up the iPod before your daughter and check to see if its content is suitable for her?

I know! Taking responsibility for your own kid instead of letting her wander around unattended and demanding everyone else take responsibility instead!

Whatever next..?


  1. Once it has been determined by media that the problem exists the inevitable Govt funded fakecharity will begin campaigning for an end to unsupervised public access internet.

    Once the precedent has been set then the next step is to block all pron from reaching the UK via the internet (for the chiiiiildren, natch) before banning sex on 'elf and safety grounds .. .. .. .. ..

    Vote Labour!!!!! [/sarcasm]

  2. I wonder if the ten year old was offended? Kids these days learn about sex in school at an early age and more than likely some "pornographic" images are used to teach them, not that pornography is all about sex, you understand.

  3. Oh come on Julia, have a little sympathy for the point being made by the nice Mrs Goodman.

    Responsible retailers could anticipate this sort of thing and a chimp would have the wit to deal with it.

  4. Exactly the sort of person that creates a life with no intention of bieng responsible for that life. This type of irresponsibility is different in men and women. Men often are completely honest in thier ill behaviour taking off from the home that the child lives in, refusing to provide the time and money required to support the child's needs where they are able to. BTW I have sympathy for men who do as much as they are able while the mother and the system prevent access. Women on the other hand tend to be more dishonest in their refusal to provide the funding and attention required to keep thier children safe. Just because they are in the company of the child does not always equate to giving attention to their needs. Parking cars full of children on double yellow lines to pop into the shop, letting them run amok in public while chatting with friends, expecting everyone to give way and make unreasonable provision in respect of thier responsibility.
    When did pubs become children's playgrounds anyway? Why am I encouraged to believe that pregnancy, giving birth and being responsible for a child is likened to disease? I and society make provision for those who are unfortunate and at a disadvantage. There are always exceptions, people's circumstances change unexpectedly for the worse and they deserve support in basic needs.
    Women and children first is not a way of life but civilised behaviour in an emergency. I'm surprised that Apple didn't report this woman's admissions of unwillingness and/or inability to be responsible for her child to the relevent authorities.

  5. "Once it has been determined by media that the problem exists the inevitable Govt funded fakecharity will begin campaigning for an end to unsupervised public access internet."

    Oh, I wouldn't be at all surprised...

    "I wonder if the ten year old was offended?"

    Probably more embarassed at having Mum catch her!

    "Responsible retailers could anticipate this sort of thing..."

    Perhaps they did, and decided to let it go. I'm sure they have far more important things to do in their business than worry about the Mrs Goodmans of this world, who'll find fault with something, no matter what...

    "Exactly the sort of person that creates a life with no intention of bieng responsible for that life. "

