Sunday 20 September 2009

"What? To go to bed with a man and lie to him? She's a woman. She's got all the training she needs."

A prisoner who battered and stabbed his partner to death claims his chances of securing a masters degree are being blocked after the authorities refused to let him submit a paper on domestic violence and killings.
He's appealing on, you guessed it, human rights grounds..


  1. Only the myopic would fail to consider the wider social benefits of a criminal's work.

    Here is one example of the many potential opportunities existing for teams of hard up lawyers, whose work could never be done bringing justice to our land and sense to their interminable cycle of new laws.

  2. If he is permitted to study for a masters degree, why can the prison authorities deny him a particular subject?

    Would they deny a fraudster the chance to read Economics?

    OK, I personally think the absurdity is that current prison conditions are so gentle that it resembles a university dorm. Once you agree that prison is a university dorm what subjects the students, sorry inmates study is immaterial.

  3. Your second label says all that needs to be said.

  4. "Here is one example of the many potential opportunities existing for teams of hard up lawyers..."

    I'm coming rapidly to the conclusion that that has now become the main purpose of our 'justice system'...

    "Would they deny a fraudster the chance to read Economics?"

    I'd hope not. The Treasury needs new blood, after all! :)

  5. "Your second label says all that needs to be said."

    Even over at 'CiF', the prevailing mood whenever a crime column is printed is overwhelmingly 'lock 'em up'.

  6. Didn't they famously let a perjurer write books?
