Wednesday 7 October 2009

Asking Questions When You Already Know The Answers…

On the two girls who committed suicide in Scotland:
Jim Sheridan, Labour MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire North, said: "This is a terrible tragedy. People here are in shock. There will need to be questions answered. The Good Shepherd is a fine organisation, but we need to see an internal inquiry to find out why these two girls were out unsupervised at that time.”
Well, look no further, Jimmy.

Here’s your answer:
A spokesman for the Good Shepherd Centre said the girls, who had been passed into their care from local authorities in Hull and Argyle under two months ago, had been on apparently happy and productive weekend outings with relatives before returning on Sunday. They were not kept under lock and key but were supposed to seek authorisation before leaving the unit, which they had not done.
Gosh! There were rules, but they decided they wouldn’t abide by them?

Who could have predicted that?


  1. Let me make a prediction.

    This was a Catholic Home. Everyone who's seen the Magdelene Sisters knows that EVERY Catholic priest and nun is a bigot and sadistic bastard. Hence the cause was Catholicism.

  2. If you locked up every teenage idiot who blackmails people with committing suicide, you better just build a fence around the UK.

    Either way, someone that messed up is going to be a problem sooner or later, so, no loss here at all, it saved us all a lot of grief...

    And the idea that you can lock them up, also is silly, unless you make it like a proper prison, if motivated enough, they'll get out anyway, and if they don't get out, then they'll find something inside to 'play' with.

    Broken is just broken here, the cure is inside the kid itself, they have to decide to stop being a pathetic waste of space that blames everyone for their misfortunes and throw serial emo-tantrum, instead of doing their best to take the chance they've been given nowadays.

    Sometimes like just is not fair, until you start to be fair to yourself and begin to like life enough to want to live it.

  3. Sad, but if it hadn't been the bridge they'd have just walked into the sea or something. Nonetheless it was a couple of teenage girls and therefore doubly sad and quadruply newsworthy. Expect to see the nanny state's elf 'n' safety mob measuring up the Erskine Bridge for safety barriers sometime soon. Sure, people have been jumping off it for ages, but teen double suicide? Can't be allowed to happen again, and we'll all just ignore the fact that they'd go jump from somewhere else instead.

  4. So the home was treating them as being responsible human beings. I can't really fault the home here, no doubt if they'd been locked in their rooms 24/7 there would have been an outcry too.

  5. "Everyone who's seen the Magdelene Sisters knows that EVERY Catholic priest and nun is a bigot and sadistic bastard. Hence the cause was Catholicism."

    I await the inevitable rash of 'real-life' misery-lit, and the made-for-tv movie...

    "If you locked up every teenage idiot who blackmails people with committing suicide, you better just build a fence around the UK."


    "Expect to see the nanny state's elf 'n' safety mob measuring up the Erskine Bridge for safety barriers sometime soon."

    Oh, the Labour mouthpiece has already suggested that!

    "I can't really fault the home here..."

    Me neither. But that won't stop the 'something must be done!' brigade...

  6. Should they have been locked in, really? At that age? Would you lock your own kids in the house at that age?

    The real issue is why they were unhappy enough to do this in the first place - and that's likely to be specific issues in their own lives and not necessarily any indictment of "the system".

  7. Sorry Julia, this is off-topic.

    I have a couple of submissions for your weekend funnies, but it wouldn't be appropriate to post them here, and don't know how to get them to you.

  8. "The real issue is why they were unhappy enough to do this in the first place..."

    Indeed. And that doesn't require a 'full enquiry'.

    " wouldn't be appropriate to post them here, and don't know how to get them to you."

    I'm afraid I haven't yet set up a Googlemail address specifically for the blog yet. I might be doing it over the weekend.

  9. "Expect to see the nanny state's elf 'n' safety mob measuring up the Erskine Bridge for safety barriers sometime soon."

    Oh, the Labour mouthpiece has already suggested that!

    I'd like to claim that as another verified prediction but after an incident here, which I'll blog later, it was almost a certainty that Labour and Labor would react the same way. They really are such a bunch of colossal fuckwits.
