Friday 9 October 2009

Blog Solidarity

Go here for details.

Yes, he's a deluded leftwinger. But he's a blogger first and foremost. Here's hoping the court does the sensible thing and treats Johanna Kaschke to what she deserves...


  1. Dr Melvin T Gray9 October 2009 at 17:51

    I do not know this blogger nor the history to the libel action but an important principle is being tested.

    Bloggers now twitch with demands for the continuance of libel without redress - whilst we all know that cannot be right.

    I have studied large files on the libel mongers GADGET and PC ELLIE BLOGS who cowardly abuse others behind their yellow screens of anonymity.

    The public can have no respect for such cowardly officials. There can be no room in a police uniform for these two or seniors who knowingly permitted this long term abuse. I certainly hope the identities of this pair will be established and published before the end of the year. Let them reap the waiting writs.

  2. Aye up! Melvin's about. Troll alert.

  3. Dr Melvin T Gray9 October 2009 at 19:01

    Dear Bill Sticker,

    I would be happy to visit your green sites were it not for the moribund odour I associate with the dead.

  4. Baader-Meinhof, eh? Let's oppose that.

  5. "I have studied large files on the libel mongers GADGET and PC ELLIE BLOGS who cowardly abuse others behind their yellow screens of anonymity."

    I think it's pretty obvious why they choose to blog anonymously, and it's not for cowardice. Remember Nightjack?

  6. Dr Melvin T Gray10 October 2009 at 08:10

    Come now Julia, comparison of Nightjack with dross is as intentional as confusing satin for sandpaper.
