Friday 9 October 2009

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar Whine...

Marjorie Ellis Thompson isn't impressed with Call-Me-Dave's mob when it comes to encouraging women to stand:
Turning up at a Conservative women's event straight off a plane from Afghanistan must feel very surreal. Yet that is what one hopeful woman, an aid worker for a charity, did this week.
Oh, excellent! That's just what the Tories need...
Once there, I took the opportunity to suggest to the coordinator that perhaps the £250 required to appear before a selection panel might put off a lot of women from different backgrounds whom the party sorely needs to become more representative. Women like my friend, who could ill afford a trip to Cheshire which was impossible by public transport and required her to spend the night in a hotel.
Oh, quelle horreur! Fancy having to spend a night in a hotel...

And just why was it 'impossible' to get there by public transport? Cheshire isn't the Hindu Kush! Did you really mean 'too terribly tedious', Marge old girl?

What's your friend's qualifications for Tory candidate then?
Especially as when my friend passed her selection, speaking out against the Iraq war and saying she hoped Barack Obama would win the American election, her file was marked 'London Only'.
Gah! I'm not surprised! Are you sure you didn't misread it? It was probably marked 'Loon'...
She has repeatedly asked the organisation for support in canvassing and at events, but her seat is not a target seat, so she has been left to soldier on alone. A charismatic, divorced black mother of two...
Whoa, stop! I couldn't care less what boxes she ticks, and neither could the voters.

Voters, Marge. You know what they are, do you? They are the ones that will be judging your friend if she becomes a candidate.

And if they find out she regards public transport as beneath her and would rather not mix with the hoi polloi in hotels, they aren't going to vote for her...
I hope that next time around the party hierarchy put her in a winnable seat as she has a tremendous amount to offer – despite the fact that she is well to the right of me...
If she's 'well to the right of you', what the hell are you doing at a Tory Party conference? Isn't there a Respect conference coming up instead that you might feel more comfortable at?
And what of the Afghan aid worker? She has been told she should consider going for two seats in Wales – a place I know well, so I asked her where and she said: "I feel very embarrassed, I can't pronounce the names."
She's just flown in from Afghanistan and she's having trouble pronouncing Welsh place names..?


  1. I'm sure that's what the voters in a Welsh constituency want - a luvvie parachuted in from London who cannot even pronounce the names of the towns and villages she is standing for and who is only there because of her DNA.

    That'll get the voters flocking back!

  2. "a trip to Cheshire which was impossible by public transport"


    Cheshire is well served by several west coast mainline railway stations, with an hourly service from London Euston, and has an extensive network of local railways accessible from any of these stations. It is also accessible via Picadilly from the East coast mainline with similar frequency. Journeys I have made many times.

    To say that such a journey is impossible by public transport implies a degree of stupidity so high that it precludes typing a very simple set of words into google.

    If this stupid bitch is to dim to find her way around, she isn't going to be able to understand any of the legislation that's put before her.

    Good job she won't actually have to read any of it, then.

  3. This 'equality' thing has gone too far. We don't need, or want, 'diversity' but we do need integration. The sooner all the diversity twats realise this the better.

    The only qualification should be 'can they do the job effectively?'

  4. She's getting a pretty thorough kicking in the comments, I'm happy to say.

    But is anyone in Dave's mob listening?

  5. I had the misfortune to be in the same room as this woman during an interesting talk given by Howard Davies at the LSE a few years ago. During the Q&A afterwards her contribution was pure drivel.

    BTW the 'Ellis' in her name dates from when she the 'partner' of 'Lord' Elis Thomas, the Welsh Quangocrat and sometime leader of Plaid Cymru.Talk about peas in a pod! She was also a big cheese in CND during the Greenham Common Years. Says it all really.
