Saturday 3 October 2009

If You Dare To Disagree With The Righteous…

…you are not just wrong, but mad as well:
Parents at the primary school at the centre of a dinner lady sacking row have been offered counselling.

Carol Hill lost her job at Great Tey Primary School for telling seven-year-old Chloe David’s parents about a bullying incident, breaching pupil confidentiality.

Headteacher Debbie Crabb has written to parents, offering them a session with an educational psychologist.
This is a woman drunk on power and determined to bring to heel those minions who dare to tell her she is wrong.

In other words, quite the wrong sort of personality to be placed in charge of children.
The letter reads: “I have made contact with a team who deal with supporting schools who have been through a trauma or critical incident.

“The attention our school has been under in the last week has caused concern to all our Great Tey team.

“County has therefore offered us the opportunity to have some support from an educational psychologist. I would like to invite any of you to come along and have the opportunity to talk to him.

“He suggests in a group situation in the first instance, about how you as parents feel you need support and how as parents you can facilitate moving forward.”
How about if they decide that ‘moving forward’ means throwing you out on your ear, and getting someone sensible in to run the school?

Will he ‘facilitate’ that?
The initial hour-long counselling session is scheduled to take place next Wednesday, with Mrs Crabb volunteering to look after children to enable parents to attend.
I’d sooner leave my children with a hungry pitbull. With steaks tied around their necks.

They’d be safer…
A mum of one child, who did not want to be named, said she felt it was an attempt to “unite everyone and make them forget” , while the children were being abandoned.
That’s because that’s exactly what it is, along with the thinly-veiled threat that you little people shouldn’t make too much fuss, if you know what’s good for you…
Mrs Crabb has continually refused to publicly discuss the issue.
Don’t worry, Mrs Crabb.

Stunts like this will ensure the media doesn’t forget about you
Nicola Spicer, a spokesman for Essex County Council, said: “It offers a support package to any school that should require or request it. This includes visits by an educational psychologist. This could be for any number of reasons. Great Tey Primary School contacted us and we are assisting them.”
You should be ‘assisting’ Mrs Crabb to find a job more suited to her needs instead, if you want the cavalcade of bad publicity to stop.

Do you have a dogcatcher position vacant?


  1. No fair to dogcatchers. Anyway, she'd be rubbish at it. She's an insult to the concept of adult responsiblilty. Even shelf-stackers manage to get on with putting tinned beans on shelves without lying about it, having substituted shoe polish. I simply can't think of any remunerated or voluntary post I'd trust this woman in and cannot understand why she isn't out on her lug-hole. If she covers up assault by other children, what is she covering up amongst the staff? Why isn't the Indy getting all hot'n'bothered about a head who has shown she will collude with child abuse to protect her reputation?

    One question I want to ask Bernard Jenkin MP (Conservative, N. Essex) is 'When will you lance that boil on the bum of education, Debbie Crabb?" If he gives me a load of flannel, I'll know he still doesn't get it. (Yeah, I know). This morning the Conservatives seem to be wittering on about upholding the authority of head teachers even when they are patently in the wrong.

    In the meantime, it won't do much good but you can't be prevented from complaining about her to the General Teaching Council

    "Under current law, members of the public are not able to complain directly to the GTC about a teacher's lack of competence. This route is only available for misconduct cases."

    As it is a misconduct case, arguably any member of the public can stick their oar in. They'd probably be fobbed off, but it would create a big, fat file of complaints - especially if each complainant copies it to Essex County Council - so that the authorities will be wary of having failed in their duty of care.

    As we know, there's always a jobsworth willing to invoke duty of care. So let's have Mr Hodges do his job rightfully, for once.

    Debbie Crabb, you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye.

  2. Women and mothers can lie, cheat, steal, abuse children. So why do these reports surprise you?

    A woman who made a false rape claim after having sex with two teenagers has been jailed for a year.

    Victoria Salter, of Lostock Hall, told police in September last year she was raped by three men while one looked on.

    This led to the arrest of three 17-year-olds but one of them had filmed the incident which proved the sex was consensual, the court heard.

    Salter, 26, who earlier admitted perverting the course of justice was jailed at Preston Crown Court.

    Salter, of Broad Meadow, dialled 999 to make the false report in September 2008.

    She said she had been followed home by four men and was raped by three of them while the fourth watched.

    But the court heard that Salter had been filmed on a mobile phone during the sexual encounter and had been partaking "enthusiastically".

  3. "No fair to dogcatchers. Anyway, she'd be rubbish at it. She's an insult to the concept of adult responsiblilty."

    You wonder how someone like this gets to be a head teacher. Then you realise you probably know all too well...

    "This morning the Conservatives seem to be wittering on about upholding the authority of head teachers even when they are patently in the wrong."

    One of their 'ten things we say we will do because they are handy soundbites'?

    "Women and mothers can lie, cheat, steal, abuse children. So why do these reports surprise you?"

    Because people let them get away with it?

  4. "Do you have a dogcatcher position vacant?"

    And when the dogs she caught were found in the posession of an illegal fighting syndicate, I presume she'd list the resultant injuries as caused by a 'ring-related accident'.

  5. "And when the dogs she caught were found in the posession of an illegal fighting syndicate, I presume she'd list the resultant injuries as caused by a 'ring-related accident'."

    Heh! :)

  6. "facilitate moving forward"


    Tony Blair could have said that. The fact that she can act as she did, and say this, and still be in her job, proves that ordinary people in Britain have no power at all. None at all.
