Sunday 11 October 2009

I'm Struggling To See it...

...the 'resemblance', I mean:
Mrs Symes, who had been cleaning the house to prepare it for sale, said Aisling disappeared while she was inspecting the washing machine.

"I turned off the hot tap, looked behind me and there she was, watching what Caty and I were up to," a tearful Mrs Symes said.

"I turned off the cold tap, looked behind me, and she was gone -- that fast.

"I can't believe that she moved so quickly. In the time it took just to turn off a tap, she was gone."
Nope, still can't see it.

Are you sure you didn't leave her while you went for a meal with friends for the evening, Mrs Symes?


  1. Can't see it either, she was outside her house in daylight, wasn't abroad, she wasn't "elsewhere" whilst her kid was asleep, her daughter was seen alive talking to a woman with a dog before vanishing.

    Yep, no similarities other than gender at all.

  2. Dunno. I wandered off when I was a toddler. Nobody remembers the details now but probably I worked out how to open the garden gate or something without anyone knowing, walked down the road and then couldn't find my way back. Much relived mother was overjoyed when I was brought back by.... uhm, what do you call those guys again? Dressed in blue, had shiny buttons, numbers on the shoulders... you used to see them walking around the streets. Tip of my tongue... Oh well, my point is that kids can sometimes disappear and it doesn't mean that anyone is actually responsible. Not saying anything about this kid in Auckland one way or the other, but shit does happen sometimes.

  3. "I wandered off when I was a toddler. Nobody remembers the details now but probably I worked out how to open the garden gate or something without anyone knowing, walked down the road and then couldn't find my way back. Much relived mother was overjoyed when I was brought back by.... uhm, what do you call those guys again? Dressed in blue, had shiny buttons, numbers on the shoulders... you used to see them walking around the streets. Tip of my tongue..."


    My mother says she left me outside the butchers once in my pram; clean forgot I was with her. I was returned by the butcher's assistant on his rounds.

    I suspect it was deliberate, mind... ;)

  4. I suspect it was deliberate, mind... ;)

    If I was in America I'd be taking the Fifth right now :D
