Sunday 11 October 2009

Is This A Quote From A Police Officer Or Social Worker?

....because I really can't tell any more:
Afterwards Detective Inspector Kenny McDonald said Harris's already lengthy criminal career was 'quite shocking'.

'It is still rare, but we are mindful that people of Harris's age do seem to be finding an attraction with gangs and guns and knives,' he said.

'It is worrying and we need to try to address this because we shouldn't be having people of his age having access to firearms.'

But he stressed: 'There are lots of terrific young people in London not involved in this, doing the right things, staying out of trouble. He is an exception.'
Oh, really..?

Dwayne Best

Rogel McMorris, Jason Brew, and Hector Muiamba

Sheldon Thomas

That took me three minutes, DI McDonald. And those are the ones caught and whose names are known - I skipped over all the reports of unidentified youth gang members still waiting your attention for rapes, robberies, knifings, etc.

And I didn't bother to trawl through my own blog, or others who collect reports of these things. If I had, we all know what I'd find, don't we?

So mouth your platitudes to the media with an eye to your career if you must. But don't ever, for one second, think you are fooling anyone...


  1. Do I have to follow the links, or is it safe to assume that a vast majority of those involved are neither Caucasian, Oriental or Indian in origin?

  2. Dr Melvin T Gray11 October 2009 at 10:17

    And big Mac will have enough promotion sense to avoid mentioning the other obvious common denominator of flatulence, when all nostrils have been seriously assaulted in the Public and Communities Together meeting.

    Er..fries with that big Mac, please.

  3. It's very safe to assume that... ;)

  4. Police? Social workers?
    Blurred lines.

  5. There are lots of terrific young people in London not involved in this, doing the right things, staying out of trouble.

    I detest this attitude. I sat through a school presentation speech by this idiot. A big feature was a complaint about how media reporting of youth crime "stigmatises" youths in general. It was a classic, "You can't tell the peasants factual information because they can't handle it" moment.

    Most people are perfectly able to understand that being concerned about rising crime rates, or civil disturbances does need imply that all youths are guilty. Yet the elite are over eager to keep telling us that "these are the exceptions".

    Not only is this counter productive (shades of the lady doth protest too much, methinks) but it actually does what it claims is bad - it stigmatises members of the public who raise a legitimate concern.

  6. "Not only is this counter productive (shades of the lady doth protest too much, methinks) but it actually does what it claims is bad - it stigmatises members of the public who raise a legitimate concern."

    I suspect that's the point...

  7. Come on, who didn't order the execution of rival gang members when they were sixteen? Why, it's like scrumping for apples or petrol bombing old ladies' flats. We've all done it; don't be a hypocrite and deny it.

    Lighten up, sheeple. Move on.

  8. The guy was probably awaiting a promotion selection board so to tell it how it is would be professional foot-shooting :)
