Sunday 25 October 2009

More Of Those Benefits Of The Multicultural Society

A shop worker stabbed a colleague for calling him a slave, a Court was told.
Just a figure of speech?

Sadiq Salam claimed fellow Sudanese worker Waleed Bashir said people from his region should be wiped out like insects.
Not one they covered on the 'Working with Colleagues' induction training event, then?
Salam told a jury at Lewes Crown Court that he attacked his victim in anger at the Welldone store in North Street, Brighton, with a piece of glass from a broken bottle.
No doubt the shop has CCTV and will have caught the event on tape.
...the 20-year-old, of Charlotte Mews, Kemp Town, Brighton, denies attempted murder, making threats to kill and assault.
Good luck with that...


  1. infesticon@hotmail.com25 October 2009 at 09:56

    Salam by name, not salam by nature.

  2. Had a white, male supervisor been the victim of the stabbing, he would be branded a vicious racist thug who had it coming, and would be the one facing police charges.

    Any chance Sadiq will be hauled up before the beak on the charge of a hate crime?

    No, probably not.

  3. I'm not at all convinced that there are any benefits to 'multi-culturalism' whatsoever.

    I take a liberal view of individual foreigners because most of the individual foreigners I meet are perfectly sound people. But it's when you get groups of them that the trouble starts. And when you get two groups importing their own mutual prejudices then things like this happen.

  4. In a previous life I attended a disturbance in Kensington High Street between a man of arab extraction and an african male council traffic warden. The language! The vile names! It was shocking. No, really it was - like watching two foreign Malcolm Tuckers. It was so bad it was hilarious.
    The arab insisted on calling the african a monkey and the african kept calling the arab a camel shagging homosexual (amongst other things). I wouldn't have known how to classify that - rather I couldn't be arsed. I told them both to grow up and fuck off out of my sight. So that's two crime stats missing from 1998's crime figures.
    Multiculturalism and diversity have brought absolutely nothing to the UK and now thanks to the report from a government advisor we know why the UK's been swamped with immigrants.

  5. "camel shagging homosexual "

    That turn of phrase made my day thanks!

  6. "Any chance Sadiq will be hauled up before the beak on the charge of a hate crime?"

    I was wondering why he wasn't - a clearer case I can't imagine.

    "And when you get two groups importing their own mutual prejudices then things like this happen."

    Indeed. It's not like we don't have enough of our own sectarian loons, is it?

    "The arab insisted on calling the african a monkey and the african kept calling the arab a camel shagging homosexual (amongst other things). I wouldn't have known how to classify that..."

    As you suggested, as 'two racially aggravated hate crimes' :)

    " thanks to the report from a government advisor we know why the UK's been swamped with immigrants."

    Yes, that was well-timed, wasn't? Right after the BNP QT...
