Monday 5 October 2009

The Most Egregious Use of ‘For The Children!!!’ I’ve Yet Seen…

Southend Council is trying to buy houses next to a school to protect children who have to pass through an alleyway linked to the properties.
Protect them from what?

Who lives in these houses, for heaven’s sake? Has Roman Polanski bought himself a seaside holiday home?
The council paid an undisclosed sum to buy 57, Windermere Road, one of six houses which separate parts of Sacred Heart Primary School.

One other house has already been bought and the Diocese of Brentwood owns another. The council hopes to eventually buy the three other houses which split up the school grounds.
So the council is buying up homes and letting them stay empty.

The school asked the council to act because pupils have to pass through an alleyway at the back of the houses, prompting fears about their safety.

Headteacher Bridget Frampton said: “We have lots of things in place at the moment to ensure the children are safe. They are not allowed to go into the alleyway without a member of staff and they are not allowed to walk through on their own, but this is not ideal.

“The school takes precautions in order to keep the children safe, but we want to make sure we can erase the possibility of anything happening in the future. It is all about prevention.”
This woman is clearly nuts. Why is she in charge of a school?

What possible danger lurks in this alley that she needs to indulge in this kind of talk?

Here’s a clue:
The main part of the school, with the reception and junior block, is separate from the infant block and the main playground. Access between the two parts of the school is through this narrow alleyway at the back of residential houses.

Buying the houses could also allow the school in the future to expand and consolidate its buildings on one site.
It’s a landgrab by the council.

Using a specious ‘safety of the children’ argument to do it…


  1. If I was one of the householders of the remaining houses I think I might consult a libel lawyer over the implication that I was a potential child abuser.

  2. The council don't appear to be making much sense- I'm fairly sure abandoned houses attract more unsavoury sorts than lived in homes.

  3. Don't they realise that by playing the children card all the time they are making it less likely people will listen when it is really necessary!

  4. How far will they have to go before 'the children' are truly safe? Will the svhool own ALL of Southend eventually. I really can't keep up.

  5. I assume it's so they that when they close down the sattelite part of the school, they've got a nice even block they can sell onto the developers for flats. With the added bonus of nobody to complain about planning permission, blocked light etc.

  6. "If I was one of the householders of the remaining houses I think I might consult a libel lawyer over the implication that I was a potential child abuser."

    It might put the brakes on this scheme...

    "I'm fairly sure abandoned houses attract more unsavoury sorts than lived in homes."

    Indeed. And it's not like Southend doesn't have a homeless problem they should be looking to solve either...

    "Don't they realise that by playing the children card all the time they are making it less likely people will listen when it is really necessary!"

    It seems their nannies never read them the story of the boy who cried wolf...

    "How far will they have to go before 'the children' are truly safe?"

    Maybe we should just ban children?

    "I assume it's so they that when they close down the sattelite part of the school, they've got a nice even block they can sell onto the developers..."

    Oh, that's devious! Do you work for a council? ;)

  7. Oh FFS Julia, stop it, I can take no more of these cretins! (Sorry, didn't mean to shoot the messenger Julia.)

    And here was me thinking that schools were for teaching eh.

    Already, for a number of years in fact, when I go out, even with Mrs. Yin and see the lovely little ones, dressed nice and looking well tended, I have to stop myself looking in case I'm assaulted as a pervert for think kindly towards them.

    Children, adults....depressing times for the people watchers.

  8. Oh, that's devious!

    Not really, pretty par for the course round Bexley way , I can't think of a school that hasn't lost most of it's playing fields and in the case of my old junior school they did indeed CP about 4 houses to make a nice square block.

    Do you work for a council?

    I wish! If I'd taken that route, I'd have 20 odd years in by now and be looking at a nice pension, rather than having had slightly more jobs than Peter Mandleson and the constant worry that goes with the threat of redundancy, job safety etc.

  9. "And here was me thinking that schools were for teaching eh."

    Thry don't seem to have been for that for a while now...

    "...pretty par for the course round Bexley way , I can't think of a school that hasn't lost most of it's playing fields..."

    Same here.

    And then we have an obesity 'problem'. Fancy!

    "I wish! If I'd taken that route, I'd have 20 odd years in by now and be looking at a nice pension..."

    And you'd be unsackable!
