Thursday 8 October 2009

Oh, Look, Just Stick to Teaching, Can't You?

Latest entry in the 'You're Having A Laugh, Aren't You?' stakes is headteacher Malvina Sanders, from Cardinal Newman Catholic School, who apparently thinks it's her job to tell surrounding shops what they can and can't sell to her pupils.

Unsurprisingly for the UK in 2009, they meekly do as she commands:
A Tesco worker said staff at the store were not allowed to sell drinks such as Red Bull, Tiger and Monster to pupils from the school at any time of the day.

She said: "The sign came officially from the school.

"I think it s because it makes the pupils a bit hyper.

"We used to have problems when we were just verbally telling them they couldn't buy it but once the school put a sign up it has been OK."
If you really think that that's 'OK', you are a grade-A moron...

And the comments make me want to weep for what this nation has become.


  1. I am currently printing an official sign, on headed paper of course, to be sent to my local Sainsbury's which 'requests that I not be charged for the purchase of large quantities of vodka..'

  2. I've heard it said that members of the teaching profession are either underpaid educators or overpaid childminders. I think I've decided which category this paternalistic and Righteous airhead falls into, and she needs to be shown that people won't put up with it anymore.

    Demand a reversal of Thatcher the Snatcher's ending of free milk for school kids. Demand an alternative suitable for the modern age. Demand free Red Bull for all school age children at morning break... And demand it now!

    That'll fucking show her.

  3. A Tesco worker said staff at the store were not allowed to sell drinks such as Red Bull, Tiger and Monster to pupils from the school at any time of the day.


    EXCUSE me? Only policemen are "on duty" 24 hours per day in Britain.

    Go FUCK yourself sideways with a dried donkey dick coated in cactus needles, and barbed wire.

    I WILL be sending a..."choice" letter to this "head mistress".

  4. "I am currently printing an official sign, on headed paper of course, to be sent to my local Sainsbury's which 'requests that I not be charged for the purchase of large quantities of vodka..'"

    Get a headteacher to sign it and you're golden in Hove, I reckon!

    "I've heard it said that members of the teaching profession are either underpaid educators or overpaid childminders."

    There are good ones. But they seem few and far between...


    Yeah, I blanched at that as well. I wonder what would happen if a parent came in with a child in uniform and tried to buy some?

  5. Fish 'n chips passed through the railings again.

  6. How about a double expresso with lots of sugar? Ban that, too?

  7. Perhaps Tesco should respond that they'll stop selling energy-drinks to 'her' schoolkids, when her school churns our numerate & literate leavers.

    How to confuse some checkout staff:- Buy £10.51 worth of goods, offer £20.51 and watch as he/she takes the note & adds to your fistful of change.

    PS Anyone remember Lucozade?

  8. Depriving kids of caffeine is against their humanoid rights. How else will they learn to appreciate proper espresso? It's women like this headmistress who put Gaggia out of business.

    Okay, I did once drink three 500 ml cans of Relentless in one evening, and spent the rest of the night clicking random internet links while gibbering like a rabid baboon, but it didn't kill me. I learned not to do that again. It wasted the entire night and most of the next day, because I had to catch upon sleep.

    So I bought an espresso machine instead. Now I can indulge in the dark syrup of insomnia to my heart's content, and have learned to regulate intake to the point of late wakefulness, but not so far as to stop all productive activity and start baboon-clicking again.

    That's three times there I've used the word 'learn'. I thought that's what schools were all about.

    How times have changed.

  9. "Fish 'n chips passed through the railings again."

    Exactly! And what are they going to do if Mummy packs little Johnny's bag with a few energy drinks? Rifle through it and confiscate them?

    "How about a double expresso with lots of sugar? Ban that, too?"

    Well, maybe not in the teacher's lounge. They probably could use the extra buzz to get through the day...

    "Perhaps Tesco should respond that they'll stop selling energy-drinks to 'her' schoolkids, when her school churns our numerate & literate leavers."

    That'll be a long time coming...

    "That's three times there I've used the word 'learn'. I thought that's what schools were all about."

    Not anymore, it seems. Perhaps thet are all far too busy scouring the neighbourhood for things to cluck disapprovingly at?

  10. And what are they going to do if Mummy packs little Johnny's bag with a few energy drinks? Rifle through it and confiscate them?

    Given that this is already known to happen if mummy packs more than one snack item (e.g. piece of cake or a packet of crisps) into a lunch box it would simply be an extension of existing procedure for some.
