Thursday 1 October 2009

Something To Think About...

...when you read tomorrow's headlines about the Little Ted's sex abuse case, and the no doubt reams of 'analysis' to come.

Here's a taste of those headlines:

The Telegraph:Trawling the internet: Colin Blanchard

The Mail: Trio 'met' on Facebook and exchanged pictures via email

The Guardian: Vanessa George: from angel to paedophile. Seen as an 'angel' by parents at Little Ted's, Vanessa George developed a dark side after growing fascinated with the web

The Indy:Facebook trio admit child abuse 'depravity'

It's not hard to see the thread running through this, is it?

And no matter how peripheral, it's going to be seized on with glee by people who have designs on control of what the newspapers are insisting was the key factor in this case.

Listen closely, and read the articles, to know: was the internet, the internet that did it, without the internet they never would have met, the internet caught them in its web, maybe they wouldn't even have abused children if not for the internet, perhaps Facebook and Messenger acted as the sigils and summonings that brought the demon into them? maybe they never would have found each other if not for the internet, the internet, that damned internet...
To which I can only say: Fred and Rose West. And before them, Myra Hindley and Ian Brady.

My grasp of history isn't that good, but I think there wasn't any internet in those days. And it didn't prevent these creatures finding their damned soulmates for a moment.

But that will be pooh-poohed.

Just as people pointing out that the ISA and all those other restrictions and safeguards - for the children!! - were useless at preventing this, and always will be useless at preventing this, will be pooh-poohed.

This case isn't going to make the Righteous stop and think that they may be on the wrong track. Not for one solitary second.

It's going to make them more determined. Just wait and see...

Update: Didn't take long, though she's turned her attention on peripheral technology...for now, at least.


  1. It's about control, It's always been about control.
    We can't be trusted you see, trusted to look after our kids or look after ourselves. That's why they have to set up a big nannying spying state to keep an eye on us, keep us down and make sure we behave, even or especially if we've never done anything wrong.
    They're wrong of course, but the longer this goes on the worse the consequences will be and a feared summer of rage will be the least of their worries.

  2. Action with 'copter-slung camera panning slopes:

    Zoom into Julia's close up:

    Cue music: - 'Never smile at a Paedophile'

    And roll first credits for: 'The News is alive with my Sickiepaedia'.

  3. The Sun's comments will be opposite page 3.

  4. Presumably, this nursery assistant had been through the vetting prodecure too.

    All of those children would have been safer had they been looked after by known and trustworthy family or friends, in the very sort of arrangement that just got two WPCs into hot water.

  5. OT

  6. This sort of scapegoating of technology goes on in the USA.

    Most of the online offences could just as easily be committed using the post.

  7. "...the longer this goes on the worse the consequences will be and a feared summer of rage will be the least of their worries."

    It's about time people learned not to be so easily manipulated by the MSM into fighting the Righteous' battles for them...

    "The Sun's comments will be opposite page 3."

    Heh! Not, presumably, with one of those Sam Fox photos that would now be classed as illegal child imagery?

    "Presumably, this nursery assistant had been through the vetting prodecure too."

    Indeed. But as a 'clean skin' would have passed with flying colours.

    "OT "

    Yes, saw that at Leg-Iron's place yesterday. Post queued up on it.

    "Most of the online offences could just as easily be committed using the post."

    And have been, in the past.

  8. The Government & the MSM do not like the internet, it allows differnt opinions and makes the gatekeepers redundant.
    I have believed for some time that the Government will take control of the internet, it is for your own good. We will protect you and your kidz from paedophiles. Plus we can stop/monitor terrorists and criminals.
    If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear
    I shall now lie down in a darkened room with my tin-foil hat on.
