Wednesday 25 November 2009

Is Gordon Aiming For The Loony Feminist Vote?

How, exactly, do you square:
From 2011, lessons in gender equality and preventing violence in relationships will be included in the statutory personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said violence against women and girls was "an obscenity".
So, violence against men and boys is perfectly fine..?

I’ve an idea – how about we elect a party who has a Prime Minister who can condemn violence no matter to whom it is applied?


  1. Just been listening to this on 'Today'. I'm open mouthed in disbelief. What do young people actually learn in today's education system?

  2. If lessons on gender equality are as effective as those on sex education we can expect to see a pandemic of playground girl-bashing in the very near future.

  3. 1) Are there any non-loony feminists? ;o)

    2) If Harriet goes to jail (as any other person probably would) will all this ridiculous promotion of one group over another in the name of 'equality' stop?


  4. "What do young people actually learn in today's education system?"

    Not a lot. Certainly not to read, write and add up...

    "If lessons on gender equality are as effective as those on sex education we can expect to see a pandemic of playground girl-bashing in the very near future."


    "Are there any non-loony feminists? "

    I haven't seen many. Certainly not on the web. I suspect any that are don't call themselves that out of embarassment.

    "If Harriet goes to jail (as any other person probably would) will all this ridiculous promotion of one group over another in the name of 'equality' stop?"

    Oh, if only...
