Wednesday 11 November 2009

Is That A Gun In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Pleas...

"...Oh. It is a gun after all!"
A police marksman was removed from Scotland Yard's specialist CO19 unit today after posting revealing pictures of himself online.
That's it?

I mean, so what? Thames Valley police were quite unconcerned that one of their instructors played 'Lucky Dip' with the live and blank ammunition, for heaven's sake! Do they regard that as posing a lesser threat to the image of armed cops?
PC Malcolm Thomas (Ed: Oh, why couldn't it have been 'John'..!), 40, is at the centre of an an internal investigation after it was claimed he used the name 'funboybobby' to display a series of revealing photographs on an adult dating website.

Some of the photos which showed the police officer dressed in uniform, body armour and carrying his 9mm Glock pistol are believed to have been taken at his south London base.

In others photographs he showed off a tattoo above his bare bottom.
Meh... It probably said 'Mum'.
Thomas calls himself 'sexually adventurous' in his online profile.

He said: 'I am an armed policeman in London and very dominant.'
*cough* That's what they all say *cough*
A Metropolitan Police spokesman said anti-corruption detectives are investigating the website, photographs and messages.
Well, their search histories are going to be interesting, to say the least...

Storm in a teacup. No doubt, a very small teacup.


  1. You missed a quote:

    It's also claimed that he boasted of police operations in an email, including the Chelsea siege in which 32 year-old barrister Mark Saunders was shot dead.

  2. That will be one of the scum police commenters on Gadget's blog. Smart money is on OLIVER'S ARMY or UNIFORM.

  3. Why is this an anti-corruption matter? Either his terms of employment forbid this or they don't.

  4. I suppose the only possible way this revelation could have any bearing on the PCs duties, was if he was blackmailed by someone who knew about his photos, and threatened to go public if he turned a blind eye to criminal activities. But then, they are not accusing Thomas of that, but rather possible corruption.

    Rather reminds me of the furore over that politician that had photos of himself in underwear on a gay website.

  5. "You missed a quote:"

    No, I saw that one. Just not relevant to the point I needed to make.

    "Why is this an anti-corruption matter? Either his terms of employment forbid this or they don't."

    Quite. I guess 'anti-corruption' covers a multitude of sins in the police farce these days.

    "Rather reminds me of the furore over that politician that had photos of himself in underwear on a gay website."

    Exactly. And this is supposed to be the Noughties.
