Wednesday 25 November 2009

Well, Sometimes The Spirit Just Moves You…

A spiritualist 'ghost-buster' lost his job as a police law trainer because he got sexually aroused during a role play, a tribunal heard yesterday.
That must have been some role play!
A sergeant from Merseyside Police who witnessed the scene vowed never to use him again, and Cheshire Constabulary made the same decision because of his 'inappropriate behaviour'.
Sadly, it seems the incident was soon forgotten, as they later hired him as a specialist trainer!
The information only came to light in October 2008 after Mr Power secured a job as a specialist trainer and a co-ordinator with Greater Manchester Police.

He was fired three weeks later on October 24, with the force citing his 'current work in the psychic field' as a reason.
Which was a bit of an error, given the increasingly-surreal nature of the UK’s employment laws.

Yup, you guessed it – he’s suing them for wrongful dismissal:
Mr Power, of Birkenhead, Merseyside, denied the allegations.

He is seeking compensation for hurt feelings and wants redress after a judge ruled his spiritualism should be afforded the same protection as religion under equality laws.
Well, why not? If global warming belief is now afforded the same protection, I guess it’s only right the table-rappers get to fill their boots too…


  1. Something like that could happen to any man. It only depends on who was doing the frisking.
    I could think of several women whose frisking would reset my sundial to 'high noon'.
    I am guessing that was what happened?

  2. Oh, frisking! Of course.

    I never thought of that.
