Sunday 13 December 2009

Police In More Hot Water…

A gang of “extremely violent” rapists are on the loose.

Police are investigating an attack by four men on a woman in Dyke Road, Brighton, on November 27.
Oh oh! Have they informed the community?

Err, well…
Sussex Police did not publish the details of either of the two rapes on homeless women because they said they did not believe members of the general public were at risk.
Just the homeless? Well, that’s all right then…
Yet in an email sent to hostels and homeless projects a police officer described a group of Eastern European homeless men as suspected of “committing a significant amount of extreme violence towards other members of the street community particularly females.”

Sergeant Richard Siggs, from Brighton and Hove street community neighbourhood policing team, also told homeless groups to “make suitable arrangements” and “risk assessments” following the violent attacks.
And if those actions had resolved the risk to their fellow homeless, no doubt these fine upstanding chaps would have said ‘Oh, well, better give up the raping for Lent’, would they?
Police are also investigating a violent robbery, which took place in Black Lion Street, Brighton, on October 20 which is also believed to be connected.

A spokeswoman for Sussex Police said: “At no point was there a risk to the general public. All the victims and suspects in these cases are from the street community and information was passed to all relevant agencies in order to protect vulnerable people within this group.”
Sorry, sweetie, but you can’t know that the risk was only to a certain subjection of the population, can you?

After all, they’d already branched out into robbery, hadn’t they?


  1. "...the risk was only to a certain subjection of the population..."

    That's it in a nutshell. I couldn't agree more with the police attitude here: it's the nature of the victim, not the crime, that determines the severity of the offence.

    I’ve often thought that poor old Peter Sutcliffe is often cruelly maligned. They were only prossies, after all. Well, mostly. I’m sure he was no danger at all to the vast majority of women. I mean, he only struck in the North of England, and the vast majority of women don’t live there.

  2. Come on JuliaM, the police malpractice of subgrading offences according to social class of victims, was established decades ago.

    It is the very bedrock of multi tiered 'services' within a plutocracy.

  3. In this land of labour equality, are we not all one people now?

    Depends if you have a house. Depends if you have a job. Depends on how much money you have and whether you are in a favoured group.

    What's the difference between 'Homeless' and 'Traveller'? One is defended by the police in case the resident population want to beat them up, the other is routinely moved along by the police as being a public nuisance.

    As MTG said, it's been going on for a long time. It used to happen to the travellers too but they've been reclassed as 'ethnic' now. And they're milking it.

    Labour bang on about 'equality' on one hand, then talk about subsections of the population on the other. People are people. If that gang of rapists can attack homeless women, they can just as easily attack any woman walking home at night.

    Especially when they realise the police aren't regarding the victim as 'part of the general population' (ie not one of the real people). They'll get bolder with time.

    Unless the homeless decide to deal with the matter themselves.

  4. I am truly shocked that you see fit to refer to "gangs" and "rape" in the same sentence!
    Surley you know that the appropriate phrase is now "multiple perpetrator rape" ?

    More training required, obviously.

  5. "I’ve often thought that poor old Peter Sutcliffe is often cruelly maligned. They were only prossies, after all. Well, mostly."

    Indeed. Wasn't it often said that it only because a 'serious' case when he started being a little more indescriminate?

    "In this land of labour equality, are we not all one people now?"

    It seems not, doesn't it?

    "Surley you know that the appropriate phrase is now "multiple perpetrator rape" ?"

    Yeah. But I was afraid of making a typo! :D

  6. @ banned:
    A more accurate phrase is "government-assisted rape".

  7. Rape has been re-termed "Sex Redistribution".
