Sunday 13 December 2009

The Twelve Plays Of Christmas: Day One

It must be round about the time that it happens; you hear that song, and realise it'll soon be Christmas...

So here's a Christmas countdown of some of my favourites, starting with one that, like Mark Wadsworth's recently featured 'Darkness' track, doesn't seem to get played as often as you'd think, given the subject matter.

Still, it always features on my Christmas playlist. 1975..? Was it really that long ago?

So, for all those who are seperated from their loved ones this year; take it away, Dana!


  1. Normally find something of interest here, but hope that evil cow rots in hell

  2. Also see:

    Traditionally, people in Germany only watch this on new year's eve, although it's actually a x-mas story.

  3. "Reason??"

    Yeah, I'm intrigued now too! Dana must have led a far more interesting life than I ever thought.. ;)

    "Also see..."


  4. I think it's to do with her Catholicism. In 2001 opposed a proposed amendment to the Irish constitution that would legalise the 'morning after pill' and IUD.
    Apart from that she was an MEP for a while, though that usually raises an eyebrow over corruption not hope that they'd rot in hell.

  5. I haven't got time for this now, Ed Milliband is warning me about the 'acidification of the oceans'. Now I'm r eally angry an worried. WHY HAS NO ONE MENTIONED THIS BEFORE? Help! The sky is falling!

  6. "I think it's to do with her Catholicism. "

    Oh. Could be...

    "I haven't got time for this now, Ed Milliband is warning me about the 'acidification of the oceans'. Now I'm r eally angry an worried. "

    Must be from all that 'acid rain' we were worrying about in the late Seventies... ;)

  7. Heard Gary Glitter is doing a cover version to be released for christmas; "When a child is porn."

    Michael Jackson was goint to do it, but he snuffed it too soon.

  8. Fat Hen said...

    Also see:

    Traditionally, people in Germany only watch this on new year's eve, although it's actually a x-mas story.
    13 December 2009 19:45

    Not only Germany. It is the WHOLE of Scandinavia, Holland, and I believe Belgium.

    Seems strange that a Europe wide famous comedian id total UNKNOWN in Britain.
