Saturday 2 January 2010

Brian Whitaker Asks The Questions...

...sensible people already know the answer to:
Is there a connection between the mindset of those who study engineering as a subject, and violent extremism?
Well, no. Not really.

It's just that, if you are planning murder and mayhem, studying Ethiopian mythology or English Literature isn't really going to help much, is it?

You utter cretin...


  1. Tbh I would have thought a working knowledge of basic chemistry would be a bigger help to the Islamoloons rather than engineering per-se. Saying that though, as an engineer myself for all I know the basics of making things go bang I rarely feel the impulse to do so to my fellow human beings. Much better off banning religious education/indoctrination than wittering on about engineers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This Wellington Grey comic strip is almost two years old and already knew the answer:

  4. Is that a world record time for closing of comments on a Guardian article?

    Strangely, no one at the Guardian dares to point out the more basic link - between Islam and terrorism. No, it must be between Chemistry and terrorism, or Applied Mathematics and terrorism.

    The political class will wriggle into even more fantastical shapes to avoid pointing out the completely fucking obvious.

  5. In the collapse of a civilisation, the "autoimmune" stage, where the people running essential services are declared the enemy within is only one or two from the end, so not long to go now.

    Shackleford Hurtmore, thanks for the link.

  6. "Much better off banning religious education/indoctrination than wittering on about engineers."


    "This Wellington Grey comic strip is almost two years old and already knew the answer"

    Lol! Perfect! :)

    "Is that a world record time for closing of comments on a Guardian article?"

    They often do that when the mods want an early night...

  7. When I was at university the students on the far left (who invariably took something like Sociology, Politics, English etc) regarded everyone else as being suspect, particularly those in the Engineering departments who were involved in extreme right wing activities like the rugby club.

    See, the left wingers were at university to understand the world, how the bits worked together, what the properties of various components were and how you could construct things to work better. Contrast that with the engineers who were at university for the exact opposite!

  8. My uncle was a mechanical engineer. He was always running around shouting 'Allahu Ackbar!' and trying to blow what he called 'infidels' up. If only he'd studied Media Studies instead.
