Thursday 7 January 2010

Cold Weather Madness

Furious parents have blasted a school after it confiscated warm coats worn by freezing pupils - because they were not part of the uniform.
It's the perfect 'Mail' article, really.

The impression you get from the indignant parents was that the kids were stripped of their outerwear and left to shiver in the playground. But they were indoors when the coats were confiscated!

And the school seems to take as much delight in enforcing petty rules as it does in teaching anyone anything.

And then there's the mantra of 'elf n' safety:
Another mother, who did not wish to be named, said the school's policy was an abuse of health and safety rules.

She said: 'It's outrageous that they should be treated like this.

'It meant they couldn't go out at break time and get proper exercise because it was too cold.

'Whoever dreamt this up should be sacked.'
What, no 'universal human right not to have to wear school uniform'?


  1. The Telegraph ran this too but only as a snippet. News to me that schools get involved with outer garments but they shouuld have applauded their pupils and staff for turning up at all, unlike down here in the soppy south.

  2. This was in the soppy south - Aylesford, Kent.

  3. A complete non-story. Wear the uniform or fuck off home, that's the rule where I work. The parents can usually afford a pair of new trainers at £100 a pop but whine when the school mandates a specific uniform. If you don't like it, send your byblows to a different school.

  4. "...they shouuld have applauded their pupils and staff for turning up at all..."

    The number of school closures in this weather has been amazing! I can remeber walking to school in conditions like this, never dreaming that it wouldn't be open.

    "The parents can usually afford a pair of new trainers at £100 a pop but whine when the school mandates a specific uniform. "

    Oh, indeed. I doubt money was the issue. More likely fashion and the desire to pander to their children's every whim...
