Tuesday 5 January 2010

Gurkhas: The Wrong Sort Of Immigrant…

…at least, as far as Labour and their burgeoning client state apparatchiks are concerned. Why else would they be trying to put them off settling here?
Military charities say they have "grave concerns" about their ability to cope with the number of former Gurkhas coming to them for assistance.

Last year those who retired before 1997 won permission to settle in the UK - and up to 12,000 may do so by 2013.

But welfare groups say some are arriving from Nepal with no money and nowhere to live, and need their help.
Do they? I thought they were pretty self-sufficient.
Director of Welfare Paul Cummings told the BBC that in the two-week period before Christmas, 12 families came to the charity for help.

"They will arrive from an aircraft, they'll probably have two suitcases and no more," he said.

"They're going to need everything to set up home."

Mr Cummings praised the MoD for setting up a resettlement office in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu, which is designed to brief applicants about the reality of life in Britain.
The reality of life in Britain?

Such as demanding services are provided in their native language, and allowing numerous local authority departments to tick a ‘diversity’ box?

Such as begging for benefits and thereby ensuring lots of work for quangos and fakecharities and all the various hangers-on?

Funny. It seems that the ones already here have no problem fitting in and making themselves useful. In stark contrast to Croydon’s fleeing killer bus driver, ex-Gurkha bus driver Rubin Gurung knew just what to dowhen a car crashed in front of him:
First Buses had praised its driver, who stopped at the scene when he saw the overturned car.

Ex-Gurkha Rubin Gurung pulled over and led passengers to the car, where they had to force the doors open to free the family.

Mr Gurung dialled 999 using his mobile phone and police arrived to take over.
Sounds like just the sort of immigrant we need more of.
Mr Rubin, who has been a driver with First for just over a year, was initially concerned he would be blamed for the damage to his bus.

But, Cliff Hussey, area operations director for First in Suffolk and north Essex, had nothing but praise for him.

He said: “We gave Rubin a pat on the back for the actions he took.

“Firstly for stopping, because not everyone would have done, and secondly for allowing the use of his bus for all the right reasons.

It was a bold decision for a driver to decide to stop off his own back, because normally anything and everything has to be okayed by the control.”
That doesn’t sound much like the helpless picture painted by Mr Cummings, does it?


  1. Too self sufficient. Not likely enough to vote Labour.

    [stamps paperwork "APPLICATION REJECTED"]

    Haven't we got someone who'll depend on the state for food, shelter, linguistic help and income that we can put on a fast track scheme to citizenship and the right to vote Lab... aha, the right to vote?


  2. Lets do a deal. The "Government" throws out 10 ragheads + family, and WE will accept 100 Gurkhas + Family WITHOUT question. For EVERY 10 Ragheads they throw out.

  3. Director of Welfare Paul Cummings is another Quangocrat Labour placement and is under orders to get revenge for Woolas and Snotty.

  4. We need more Ghurkas, they'll at least be on our side come the revolution and not on the side of the Islamist/leftist/governmentalist tyranny.

  5. My father trained and fought with Gurkhas, and found them to be resourceful in the extreme, intelligent, hard working and adaptable, as well as exceptionally polite. The only struggle they are going to face is having to deal with the righteous, poor sods. I hope many, many of them will move here, and remind us of who we once were.

  6. The Gurkhas are more British than Gorgon McDoom ever was or will ever be!

    We could also accept 100 Gurkhas + family for every disloyal Labour politician + family booted out of Britain - if they like ragheads so much, let's send them off to live with them!

  7. "Too self sufficient. Not likely enough to vote Labour."

    Yup, that's probably the reason.

    "Lets do a deal."

    I like that deal! Can we throw in the Somalians too?

    "Director of Welfare Paul Cummings is another Quangocrat Labour placement..."

    Oh, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

    "We need more Ghurkas, they'll at least be on our side come the revolution..."

    I'm happy to take in even more, provided we adopt Furor Teutonicus's suggestion!

  8. "The only struggle they are going to face is having to deal with the righteous, poor sods."


    "We could also accept 100 Gurkhas + family for every disloyal Labour politician + family booted out of Britain..."

    Ah, if only...

  9. Oh well. You might have wanted to check which welfare group, quango or fakecharity Paul Cummings was representing here. It's the Army Benevolent Fund.

    Perhaps a more relevant selection of quotes from Col Cummings:

    “Although the Ministry of Defence had set up a resettlement office in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu to help brief applicants about life in Britain, none of the people I have seen have been there."

    “Having not been through any preparation in Nepal prior to arrival, they’re coming here with no resources to back them up and no means of sustaining themselves."

    “Whilst we will do everything we can to help them we must not forget the other people that call on us for help and the money we need to set aside for the future, particularly those currently fighting in Afghanistan."

    I'm not saying that Ghurkas, especially as they have already proven their commitment to service to this country, will not be and are already not a "better class of immigrant' than many welcomed here by the state but, Nepal is not a rich country - many of those arriving will be (welcome) economic migrants. And with the introduction of right-of-abode to those with as little as 4 years service, many of those entitled to arrive will not have any MOD pension and many, given the parlous state of the economy, will not be able to move immediately in to paid work. Even though they will, unlike some others, want to.

    Support will be needed. Remember the various news articles about the difficulties native British soldiers face, when leaving the Army, in accessing social housing? Considered "deliberately unhoused" by the "system" therefore at the bottom of the list?

    Yes - I'm serving. And I last served with the Ghurkas in Basrah and Kuwait last year. And very nice people they were too.

  10. Oh, sorry, forgot the link to the actual ABF press release. Support your friendly libertarian blogger, and all that.

  11. "It's the Army Benevolent Fund."

    Yes, but even non-fakecharities are prey for the Righteous, especially in the well-heeled upper echelons, where it's all meetings and conferences and expense accounts.

    Plus the attraction of a guarenteed gong, if you don't make too many waves.

    Considered "deliberately unhoused" by the "system" therefore at the bottom of the list?""

    Yes, possibly. If so, that's an absolute scandal, but merely to be expected from this bunch of serial incompetents.

  12. Three names are mentioned in the bus/tram crash story: Raouf Mraidi (bus driver), Andrzej Karcz (dead passenger) and Othma Bouain (bail guarantor). Sounds like they all came over with William The Conquerer.

    Re the Gurkhas: ability to cope? They should give him a Bren gun and a single clip and ask him to defend the reception desk. We'd soon see who would cope.
