Sunday 3 January 2010

I Don't Think 'Chutzpah' Is Doing It Anymore... fact, I think we need a new word. One that sums up this kind of bare faced cheek combined with utter contempt for the taxpayer that Angry Exile highlights:
Three Labour MPs being investigated for expenses fraud are arguing that they should not be prosecuted because their suspect claims are covered by parliamentary privilege.

The MPs have hired legal experts to assert that the 1689 Bill of Rights protects them from prosecution.

Update: In the comments, Pat points out that Tim Worstall can see a possible upside to this...


  1. NOW the Union-destroying, society-subverting, history re-writing swine discover 'Our Island Story?'

    This is what Johnson must have meant when he said that 'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.'

    The utter pigs.

  2. As Timmy says- I hope that they do prove the bill of rights to be current law- if they can establish that as fact they will at last have earned their money.

  3. It is becoming increasingly apparent that violence is the only way to deal with Labour scum.

    Kill them all.

  4. If you're speechless, things must be bad! ;)

  5. "This is what Johnson must have meant when he said that 'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.'"

    He wasn't wrong, was he?
