Friday 1 January 2010

Now, I Don't Want To Start Any Conspiracy Theories...

...but anyone puzzled as to exactly why serial incompetent yet unaccountably promotable Met token Cressida Dick was given an honour the other day despite being in charge of the De Menezes cock-up would do well to read this article from the 'Mail':
Is this a sign that the most important unsolved case on the Met's files is at last being dealt with efficiently?

At last, might it be on the verge of being cracked? So what has happened?
The 'most important unsolved case on the Met's files'..? What could that be?

Jack the Ripper? Suzy Lamplugh? Jill Dando? The little boy found floating in the Thames and nicknamed 'Adam'?

Or perhaps, one of their own, fallen in the line of duty? Maybe Yvonne Fletcher's murderer will be brought to justice at last? Perhaps the savages that hacked to death Keith Blakelock will finally be caught?

No. None of them. Who cares about them, other than the grieving relatives? It's the Stephen Lawrence case, naturally. The cause celebre for the chattering classes and the professional racemongers.

And it'll be Labour's tinkering with the justice system that may help to bring it about:
Two changes since Stephen's death are of paramount importance here. The first is the great leap forward in forensic science, in particular the handling of DNA evidence, since the 1990s.

The second was the repeal in 2005 of the 800-year-old double jeopardy law, which ruled that no acquitted person could be tried a second time for the same crime.
And why does this mean Cressida Dick may have got her honour?

Masterminding the potentially landmark breakthrough in the case is a highly-talented woman seeking further rehabilitation after a career glitch (Ed: Yes, folks, that's all an innocent man gunned down in a bungled operation is to the likes of the Dick Fan Club - a 'career glitch'...). Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick had attracted personal criticism as the ranking police officer in charge of the operation which led to the shooting in Stockwell in 2005 of the innocent Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes.

Now she is leading a secretive re-examination of the Stephen Lawrence file. If successful, some feel it could pave the way for her to become the first woman to be the Met commissioner - the most powerful post in world policing.
Anyone doubt there are people in high places whose loins tingle at that thought?
Two years on, it is now clear that any further prosecution will be mounted as a result of new DNA and fibre evidence. At New Scotland Yard, there are real hopes that the case can finally be solved - and justice gained for Stephen's divorced parents Neville and Doreen.

We can reveal that there is already very serious talk of the Met seeking permission to bring charges before the summer.
I think he misspelled 'election' there...


  1. According to the Mail, the Lawrence case isn't just top of the Met's 'to do' list- it is also 'without doubt the most high-profile unsolved murder in the country'.

    Given that the Jill Dando murder is still unsolved (as you point out) I wonder what right on Beeb journalists will make of SL keeping Saint Jill from the no 1 spot ?

    Is there a special 'celebrity' trump card playable in victimhood poker ? According to the Mail, I assume the answer is no.

  2. Hang about here, apparently the coppers knew who murdered SL, but the whole thing was handled so incompetently that they got away with it. The fact that it was all a long time ago is a separate issue.

  3. Mark

    Since the Mail was the paper which (rightly or wrongly) made the Lawrence case a cause celebre - on the basis that Neville painted Paul Dacre's kitchen - I can understand why the Mail keeps on about this. OTOH it appears fairly clear who murdered Lawrence. The problems are 1. proof and 2. the inept private prosecution which stymied the whole process. To solve problem 2 our rulers removed an 800 year old legal protection which I'm sure will produce a trail of future injustices.

    Even so, a Bill of Attainder passed in respect of the alleged perps would have "solved" both problems (at immense damage to the rule of law). A further "benefit" would have been the satisfaction of the race hustlers with the outcome. Of course, the race hustlers are never satisfied and, no doubt, further Bills would have eventually been passed against Nick Griffin and then on down the line to Sir Andrew Green and thence to climate change deniers, EU sceptics etc etc.

    The honour for Cressida Dick is a massive f*** off by the political class to the "little people" and proof, not that Lawrence's murderers will be brought to a kind of justice, but that legal justice as we have developed the idea over 1,000 years has no part in the Britain of the future.

  4. "...I wonder what right on Beeb journalists will make of SL keeping Saint Jill from the no 1 spot ?"


    "...apparently the coppers knew who murdered SL, but the whole thing was handled so incompetently that they got away with it."

    Yup. So was the private prosecution, as Umbongo points out.

    " justice as we have developed the idea over 1,000 years has no part in the Britain of the future."

    I fear so.

  5. God, there's so much that ought to come out this matter that never will now. Not just incompetence on the police's part but the corruption and the money that has been paid out various parties - and not just Imran & Michael. Let's not forget good old Duwayne Brooks either. This particular matter is another trickle feed of nothing, snatching headlines, ramping up things as usual. I too loved the description of Menezes' death as a glitch - well I suppose it was too poor old Cress initially anyway - she's done Ok though?
