Saturday 9 January 2010

Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please...

...make Harriet the next Labour leader!

As commenter Stu2630 points out:
I'm for Harriet, too. With Harriet in charge, Labour won't just be in opposition, they'll be a fringe party somewhere between Monster Raving Loonies and the Church of Militant Elvis Party.


  1. It's not beyond the realm of possibilities. She won the only election the Labour Party has had in the last 16 years despite everyone outside the Labour Party thinking her candidacy was a joke.

  2. Furor Teutonicus9 January 2010 at 10:06

    Why do they not just get honest, and make Cameron the head of the labour party?

  3. Furor Teutonicus9 January 2010 at 10:11

    And talking of the Staasi party. Julia, sorry it is off toipic, but, You know I have had trouble having to register with "google" as "new" EVERY time I wish to reply. I HAVE said here about it.

    Not content with that, NOW they will not let me register, unless I give them my "mobile phone" number!!!

    WHAT the FUCK do they need THAT for?

    Besides the fact I do not HAVE one. Which kind of leaves me nackered.

  4. "It's not beyond the realm of possibilities."

    That's the great thing about it! Could they destroy themselves any quicker? It seems the answer is 'Yes'.

    "...I have had trouble having to register with "google" as "new" EVERY time I wish to reply."

    How strange! I've only had to register once, then I merely sign in each time. A problem with your cookies or browser setting, maybe?

    This was the only thing I could find in the web, and it doesn't seem to totally describe the problem you are having.
