Friday 1 January 2010

Rearranging The Deckchairs On The 'Titanic'...

Labour unveil their election plans:
Harriet Harman is to play a key role “fronting” Labour’s general election campaign next year, the Daily Telegraph has learnt.
That'll be a sure-fire vote winner, won't it?
Ms Harman is being lined up to host the daily televised media briefings – a role which will make her one of the main “faces” of the campaign.
And what a face it is...
Andy Burnham, the Health Secretary, will also play a prominent role after Labour’s private polling found him to be popular with women.
Good lord, why..?!?
Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary, is overseeing the production of the manifesto for the election.
Tee hee! That's going to be fun ripping to shreds...
Liam Byrne, the chief secretary to the Treasury, is to be charged with becoming Labour’s “attack dog” – undermining and criticising Conservative plans in television and radio interviews.
Liam Byrne, the man made famous only by the revelation that he has a larger 'contract rider' than Puff Daddy and Mariah Carey combined? That's going to be fun to watch...

Some people, of course, are putting personal ambition way ahead of party survival:
Several other key members of the Cabinet including Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, are likely to play low-key roles as they have to concentrate on winning their own Parliamentary seats.
And to cap it all, they've run out of money, and are relying on this incompetent to get them some more:
David Blunkett, the former Home Secretary, is poised to launch a new fund-raising drive in the New Year.
*sighs with pleasure*

It's going to be a really good New Year. I can feel it in my bones...


  1. I read the article earlier and was going to blog about it but now my post is a whole lot easier.


  2. Instead of a dream team, all they have is a team of dreamers. Unfortunately they give us nightmares.

  3. " my post is a whole lot easier."


    "Unfortunately they give us nightmares."

    Inded! But I think the nightmare will be over soon. Problem is, the next bunch aren't likely to be that much beter...

  4. Honestly they've made it far too easy to make fun and stick the boot in, it's like they've given up.

  5. To quote Stephen Colbert...
    "I don't think this is like changing the deckchairs on the titanic. If anything, this administration is soaring- it's more like changing the deckchairs on the Hindenburg!"

  6. "Andy Burnham, the Health Secretary, will also play a prominent role after Labour’s private polling found him to be popular with women."

    I think you'll find that's women "with sensible shoes"...

  7. Makes no difference who wins
    You could'nt get a cigarette paper
    between them.

    Oh sorry I forgot ,we cant mention
    the C.......e word can we.
    The three parties have a nice cosy
    understanding not to raise the
    issue of Sm....g B..s, bit like
    the race issue.
    Nice and cosy,lets keep it rosy


  8. "The Telegraph has learnt".

    Wonder where they learnt it from. Sounds like a Mandelson feed to me.

  9. "I think you'll find that's women "with sensible shoes"..."

    Surely they'd have more sense?

    "Makes no difference who wins
    You could'nt get a cigarette paper
    between them."

    True enough. We can but hope this lot won't be quite as bad. It's hard to see how they could be worse...

    "Sounds like a Mandelson feed to me."

    If it's going to be civil war in the Labour Party, I'll get the popcorn!
